Thursday, April 27, 2017

The 'sound' Of Freedom

What!??? They "train" at night!? WTH! Training at 'Night'? How do they do that? At night? Isn't it 'dark' at night? How do they do that? They must be bumping into each other! Do they have big flashlights taped on the nose of their airplanes? That explains the old, 'things that go bump in the night' thingie. I bet they're up to 'something'. Hmmm... Trump could 'explain' this very 'clearly' for us. Training at night....hmmmm...nothing good can come of this..quick, everyone head for your 'bug-out' caves until this is over. Sneaky, sneaky, under the cover of darkness stuff.

Residents around Nellis Air Force Base have recently noticed more noise than usual at night. The night flights are part of a training exercise called Neptune Falcon, which will run through 6 a.m. May 4.
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