Monday, April 10, 2017

'Bang, Bang! You're 'Dead''

'Breaking 'News'.....This just in from our affiliate 'BBSN'; True to the NRA's claim that "guns don't kill people, 'people kill people", a mentally deranged student at 'UST' pointed his unlicensed, high caliber index finger at his unsuspecting fellow students in a crowded study hall, and yelled Bang! Bang! discharging a full 60 round capacity imaginary magazine of lethal 'bullets' into the students which resulted in the untimely 'deaths' of 19 unlucky students, and 'wounding' of 32 others. The NRA, and their rabid supporters were quick to hold a 'news conference' boasting again saying; 'see, this in absolute scientific 'evidence, and validation of our uncontested claim that, "guns don't kill people, people kill people". We shoot, we cry, we reload, and shoot again. And Then, we arm 'children' in our schools, and no one's surprised when they shoot one another, or themselves. Stupid.

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