Thursday, April 20, 2017

'Gun Insanity!'

It's worse than simply 'insane'. It's an indictment of Americas insane love affair with an instrument of death, that Trump, with his hate filled, paranoid, conspiratorial rhetoric, fueled by the NRA, and their Republican minions, has opened Pandoras Box that as long as this 'love fest' feeds upon itself, can never be closed again. Otherwise 'sane' Americans have allowed hate, and fear mongers conv...ince them that Americans cannot possibly exist without a gun in hand. When there are no laws, the lawless will rule. We cannot be a free Nation when we allow fear to be our ruler. Guns will not make us 'free', nor safer no matter how many guns we are able to carry. The NRA, and the Gun Industry and their stock holders could not care less about the possible repercussions of the flood of Firearms across America, they are in it solely for the $$profit$$ that they will realize from increased gun sales to paranoid Americans. Nothing good can come of this insanity.

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