Saturday, April 29, 2017

'Just Don't Do It!'

'Don't Do It!'

'OMG! Folks, I'm telling you just don't do it! Do you have 'any' idea about what great 'power' of the great 'almighty' you are dealing with here!? Do you?? And that's just Trump, not counting God Almighty's power! Would anyone in their right and sane mind even Dare oppose my godly hero Mr. Trump? If you oppose 'him' then in effect you also oppose God. If you oppose God almighty the savior of this sinful world, then you are doing the devils work! If you're busy doing the work, then you better look both ways before you cross that sin filled street because your days are numbered in the retribution book of Jesus. And don't even 'expect' to meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates of heaven! Did you know there's a 'real' hell? Oh yeah! It's as real as the virgin angels in heaven, which by the way, you'll not be supping with because you will be burning for all eternity in the damnation of hell and brimstone! Vengeance is 'mine', sayeth the Don, and the Lord Jesus Christ. So now run along and say your prayers, and don't forget to tith on Sunday, and remember a little contribution for myself, and a little for Mr. Trump so that we can continue to save your sinful butts from your clue less selves!' ;) ;)

Pat Robertson explains that those opposing Trump are really fighting against God.

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