Monday, October 21, 2019

Yep, The Saudi's Are Gonna Pay, 100%

'My fellow Americans, by using my incredibly astute negotiating skills, along with an abundant amount of my 'Presidential' charisma, I can honestly say that I have an agreement from my BFF's the Saudis, that they will cover 100% of the cost of 'room and board' for the American soldiers that I ordered to make a full, and hasty, not to mention, but I will, humiliating, RETREAT from Syria, while abandoning our cash strapped Kurdish ex-allies. You heard me correctly folks, One Hundred Percent coverage! No other President could have 'negotiated' an agreement like that! Wow! See what I'm capable of when I'm left unsupervised!? See? Well, do you?? Obama, eat your heart out! 
By the way, did you see how much the Kurds 'love' our soldiers? As our troops were in full humiliating retreat, at my 'Presidential' orders of course, the Kurds were actually 'tossing' food to them as they drove by on their way to help our Saudi allies who actually have lots of money with which to buy our protection. I'm told that our  retreating troops had to pull out so quickly that they left their food supplies behind for the Russians to eat, so they were 'very pleased' and 'proud' to accept the food handouts that the Kurds were tossing to them. 
"You read where we’re sending some troops to Saudi Arabia. That’s true. Because we want to help Saudi Arabia. They have been a very good ally. They’ve agreed to pay for the cost of those troops. They’ve agreed to pay fully for the cost of everything we’re doing over there. . . . Saudi Arabia is paying for 100 percent of the cost, including the cost of our soldiers". "And that negotiation took a very short time — like, maybe, about 35 seconds". Imagine that! Does that sound 'real' or what? "35 seconds"!!! Un-believable!! "We are sending troops and other things to the Middle East to help Saudi Arabia. But are you ready? Saudi Arabia, at my request, has agreed to pay us for everything we’re doing. That’s a first. But Saudi Arabia — and other countries, too, now — but Saudi Arabia has agreed to pay us for everything we’re doing to help them.” Can you actually 'believe' that??
And hey, remember how I made Mexico pay for thousands of miles of my 'wall'? Huge numbers! About a thousand miles already built! Maybe more, or less. We'll see. Remember that? Sure you do, and they've been paying ever since! Not one American dollar has been spent on my 'wall', and not one American dollar will be spent in Saudi Arabia! This is why the Electoral College 'elected' me as their President even though I lost the popular vote by about ten votes or so, because no other human being on planet earth can do what I can get away with, all by myself!
Makes you wonder why the Democrats still want to impeach me. Right? I mean, what's with that? Is that just crazy as bat shit, or is it just 'me'? Well? Welllll?'

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The president says Saudi Arabia will pay "100 percent" of the cost of U.S. troops dispatched to the kingdom. But no one will confirm that.

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