Saturday, October 5, 2019

All The Kings Men

And why 'not', any good kingly dictator worth his salt should be able to be his own National Security Staff without the bothersome necktie of "spies" hanging around his silly neck.
There's an old mafia saying; 'Three people can keep a secret, if two of them are dead'. In other words, for Trump, 'The Destroyer of lives', the less people who know about what he's up to, the less people there are to tell his dirty little secrets.
This is what 'dictators', and 'Kings' do, this is what Trump does. Not all dictators are 'Trumps', not all Trumps are dictators...well, except for 'one' that is.


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U.S. President Donald Trump has asked for a substantial cut in the National Secu...

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