Saturday, October 12, 2019

The 'Look The Other Way' Sheriff

Here, let this definition of a 'gang member' in the State of California sink in for a moment;

"California Penal Code Section 186.22 (f) defines a criminal street gang as: An ongoing organization of 3 or more persons, With a common name, or identifying mark or symbol, Having as one of its primary activities the commission of the crimes listed, Whose members individually or collectively engage in criminal activity ..."

And yet the 'good' Sheriff can't find a way to tackle and eliminate these rogue deputy 'gangs' in his very own agency???? Really!??!

And the Governor of California isn't at all concerned about this?

 Believe me folks, if the 'look the other way' Sheriff, really wanted to do his lawful job, he would actually find the way to eliminate these thugs instead of pussyfooting around the truth while 'protecting' them and giving them license to continue their criminal thuggery!

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The "Banditos" say they’re a fraternal club for LA deputies. But critics allege that the group violently harasses civilians — and other officers.

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