Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nancy The leaker

'Yeah, see, she can't be 'trusted' Can't trust her. She's what you might call, a 'secret teller'.
 I don't know why she doesn't like me. Hates me I hear. But I like her. Can't stand the way she stabs her fingers around in the air when she talks though. That's the sure sign of a liar. She should be more like me. But she can't be trusted with 'secrets', and I 'can'. Really.
But Russia, my good BFF-FWB Putin, on the other hand, now there's a different story. Very honorable guy. Beautiful family man. His people adore him. Always truthful to them, just like me with my own subjects. He has never lied to me on purpose. He actually told me that. I gotta believe him folks! He's a lot like myself, you know, lies only when he has to. But I trust him with America's very life. He trusts me. We trust one another. That's what friends do in love and war. And of course, I trust my BFF, the 'dictator' of Turkey. We get along really well, and we have pinkie promised to never lie to one another. Always be honest and truthful, just like adult boy scouts.
So yeah, I didn't feel the need to tell 'Fancy Nancy' State secrets that she'd just call a "Fake News" conference, where she'd blab about a military operation that's none of her business in the first place. I mean, who does that!? Look, I'm the President of America, I 'run' America, I make the 'rules', I can ignore any law of the land as long as I get the job done. So, what's the problem here? Besides, I know more about military stuff and killing America's enemies than all of my pitifully inept generals put together. I don't need no stinking generals. Bother, bother. I'm the only President that could kill ISIS. Lincoln couldn't even do it, that's why he finally gave up and retired from being President. Obama was in love with ISIS, and we 'know' where he was 'born', and that's why they were so mean to America, but they didn't know I was coming along to defeat both of them. All by myself, me, myself, and I.
I have singlehandedly destroyed ISIS to the very last man, all by myself. Just ask my generals. I don't trust them either.
But this isn't about me, is it? It's really about everyone else that envy me, and wish they were me. Am I 'great' or what? Well????'

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President Trump stated Sunday morning that he did not tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the U.S. military raid in Syria that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi because he was worried about leaks that could have compromised the mission. Vice President Mike Pence said this w...

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