Tuesday, October 8, 2019

From 'URanus', With Love

'Earthlings, fear not, we mean you no harm, we come in peace. We have traveled from the far away planet you call, 'URanus'.
Our mission is simply to re-call, and collect one of our own 'Anuse's', who you may know as Donald Trump, 'The Presidential Imposter'. He somehow managed to escape from his, our, home planet under pretext of starting a 'colony' on Planet Earth. Unfortunately for Earthlings, and we in general, the attempt has been declared as a dismal failure, and one hopefully for all concerned, will never be attempted again.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any mischief our wayward fellow 'Anus' may have caused. May you now have peace, prosper, and longevity.'


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A video showing a series of unidentified flying objects over North…

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