Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lost In Space

On the 'other' hand, if you are "lost in space" as depicted in this scenario with a limited supply of oxygen, hoping that your extradentary math acumen will save you simply by latching onto a hunk of space rock, then may the stars be with you.
If you are 'there', you will likely know how many minutes or hours of oxygen you have left before you are sucking a vacuum. Already you 'know' that you are lost in space, and wondering why you didn't clip into your 'safety line', and left your GPS unit in your 'other' suit. And, without those snappy space thrusters incorporated into your space 'suit', you are now simply a 'human space rock' on a forever trip into who knows where.
And now, you spy a space rock to your right only meters away, and to your left, Sandra Bullock with a freshly charged "fire extinguisher', equal distance from you as the space rock. So close, yet so far away. You both are zipping through the ill lighted darkness of space at the same speed when you realize that, 'hey, my human mass is less than that rocks mass, therefore its gravitational pull on my lessor mass will eventually pull me towards it until finally we are 'one''. And yet, there's Sandra over there with that potentially life saving extinguisher! But, bad news, her 'mass' of course is even less than your own. You 'could' just wait until your own gravitational mass pulls her to you, or, you could go for the 'rock' instead. This is called 'SQ'. (Space Quandary). You could easily figure out, on your calculator, how long it will take for the rocks gravitational attraction to pull you in, or, for Sandra to come to you, if only your 'calc' wasn't in your back pocket, and you'd paid attention in your physics 101 class.
But, let's just say that you 'know' how much time is left of your oxygen supply, which with every breathe is less and less, and that 'time' is 15 minutes and ticking, down. And lets say you figured, in your head, how long it will take to make contact with the rock, or for Sandra to make contact with 'you', and going to the rock will be the quickest route at 13 minutes, and Sandra at 14.75 minutes. Nothing personal Sandra. So now, you are 'safe' on your very own space rock with minutes to spare. You turn to wave to Sandra, only to discover that she has activated her fire extinguisher which is propelling her at the speed of light towards you and your little space island.
At NASA control room the screen lights up with the vision of a fireball that's called a 'CC' (Cosmic Collision). Someone yells out, 'man, there's a some serious space dust'! A supervisor say's to no one in particular, 'by the way, anyone heard from Fred lately?'

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With some basic physics, there are several ways to figure it out in real time.…

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