Sunday, October 13, 2019

Send Her Back!!

Send her back, send her back, send her back!!!!
Seriously, this is akin to getting away with 'murder'. No one should be allowed to escape justice concerning a case such as this. She caused the DEATH of another human being! An innocent person is DEAD due to her own actions, and she refuses, while hiding behind the veil of bogus 'Diplomatic Immunity', while not even being a 'diplomat' in the first place, to human up, and be responsible for her deathly actions!
And of course Trump, 'The Imposter Top Diplomat', will do everything in his power as the self appointed 'King of America', to protect her from facing the consequences of her actions, knowing that he will have garnered at least one more vote in 2020.
This is a cowardly and pathetic escape from justice, and Trump is giving her license for a hall pass! Send her back!


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The wife of a U.S. diplomat at the centre of a diplomacy row will not return to the U.K. for trial, according to "secret" briefing notes

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