Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Puppet O'Neill

Well, my goodness, Mr. Robert J. O'Neill, the guy who 'probably' shot bin Laden, aren't you just full of your egotistical self! While we all will no doubt concur with your calling Baghdadi a "scumbag", it seems that instead of parroting your otherwise hero, Trump, 'The Serial Name Caller', you could have used your own imagination and came up with something as creative on your own. But you couldn't do that could you? Nope. Monkey see, monkey do, and now you have proven yourself to be the perfect "Trumper" that he has groomed you to be. This is what happens when one allows other un-supervised children to play with our brains.
Of course you 'could' have stopped right after 'scumbagging' Baghdadi, which again, he certainly deserves, but your over estimation of your self worth carried you on to even more fertile, and closer to home, character pummeling grounds. Still full of yourself upon being hyper-inflated, via your arse, with hot air from your hero, you couldn't resist, just as your craven hero couldn't, of attacking one of your fellow American's, House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff, with; "If you’re the House Intel Chairman and are not told about the raid to kill the world’s #1 terrorist ... you might be a leaker,". It appears that Trump, 'The Infamous', might be using you as his personal 'hand puppet', but I'm guessing that you don't even notice that you are actually being used. However, you, just as every foolish ego maniac has ever done by getting too close to the very person who will destroy your life, will sooner than later hear your own name being besmirched by the very man-baby who will poop in your own pullups.
The best thing you can do before Trump burns you at the stake, is to flee as far away from him as possible, get a life, and thank your lucky stars that you were able, while you were still of a relatively sound mind, to see reality, and recognize a 'dangerous' Buffon for what he really is.
May the political gods, whatever they are, be with you.

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The former Navy SEAL credited with firing fatal shots at al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden expressed his relief at the death of terrorist leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, calling the extremist head of the Islamic State a "scumbag."

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