Thursday, October 17, 2019

“Strategically Brilliant” Trump

Trump, 'The 'Brilliant'', yells for all to hear, 'we surrender', raises the white flag, orders 'retreat', abandons our allies, the Kurds, leaving them to be slaughtered by Turkey, turns our military bases and equipment over to Russian and Syrian troops, and proclaims to the world that his actions were “strategically brilliant”. But then after all, he has also claimed to the world that he knows more than all his generals put together.
I think we will find out that Trump knew from the very moment that he told our troops to turn tail and run, that Turkey was going to invade Syria in order to destroy the Kurds. I think that we will find out that Trump and his murderous BFF-FWB Erdogan had already agreed beforehand to the US retreat thus abandoning our allies, the Kurds, setting them up for the kill, and that after Turkey had accomplished its planned mission they would stop at a designated geographical point, at which time Trump would bluster, huff n puff, and pretend that if Turkey continued with their incursion he would suffer them with nasty sanctions. Of course Turkey would have already reached the agreed upon line in the sand. Trump and Erdogan then orchestrated this 'astoundingly' incredible "cease fire" so that Trump would get his bite of fame by claiming that he, and only he was able to gain a "cease fire", (actually in a 'war' that he, himself, caused and enabled) and come out looking like the Presidential 'hero' that he erroneously fancies himself to be.
There's much more to this sad event that has tarnished America's leadership, or lack there-of, standing in the worlds eyes which may never be repaired.

Now having said all this, I will tender that there's the off chance that I 'could' be wrong, but don't count on it, about all this, and if so, I'll raise my own 'white flag'.   ;)
America's Constitution is certainly not a 'perfect' instrument, it has its flaws, loopholes, and is subject to egregious interpretation by those who would be bold enough to usurp it for their own personal gains.
Trump, 'The Pretender' is the one person, the one President, who has usurped our Constitution for his, and his cronies own personal gains.
Our Constitution needs an amendment that will prevent any future President from doing the very unconstitutional things that Trump has done. The President has too much power, to the point of actually being above the law of the land, untouchable, unanswerable, to the point of literally acting as a 'King' representing himself and special interests instead of as the President charged with representing all of America.
Our forefathers never could has guessed that a Donald Trump would some day come along and trash our Constitution, but now that we know what kind of egomaniac he truly is, it is not too late to amend our Constitution and prevent anyone from such as Trump from destroying our democracy, and the world as a whole, ever again.

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Outlining Turkey's agreement of an immediate 120-hour cease-fire in Syria…

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