Friday, October 11, 2019

What An "Ass" Kisser!

'What an ass kisser! I mean, who does that!?
Biden...great guy, close 'friend' of mine as far as friends go, but it's tough to get real close to a guy who kisses so much ass! Lips that "kiss ass" will never touch mine!
So how about those ignorant people, mostly the "enemy of the people" "fake news", who still think he was such a great VP? Well, here's a 'news brief' for you, and I'm only gonna say this once, well, maybe more than once, I don't know, we'll see how it goes, and you can 'fact' check this if you have time. Biden “was never considered smart, he was never considered a good senator, he was only a good vice president because he understood how to kiss Barack Obama’s ass.”
He actually understood how to "kiss Barack Obama's ass"! Can't you just see the two of them in the Oval Office sitting around a blackboard with Obama showing him the finer points of how Biden should "kiss" his "ass"!?
If that's what makes a great VP, then that makes me the greatest 'President' ever! But of course we all 'know' that I, myself, would never "kiss" anyone's "ass" but my own. Right? But if there's a 'Presidential' "ass" that deserves kissing, it would certainly be my own, and I'm just the guy to do it, that is whenever my own VP isn't busy at it!
Hey, great crowd here tonight, by my own count I'd say there's no less than 500 thousand Faithfull's here tonight. Huge numbers as usual!
Folks, if you look around and see someone that's different from you, feel free to call them ugly names and denigrate them to the max. That's how I make 'friends and allies', and boy does it ever work!
I'd like to personally thank the Anti-Government Militia, 'The Oath Keepers', for being here tonight as my personal security team. Big shout out guys! Great bunch of 'American patriots'! Wonderful family guys. I can't help but love'em, they are so much like me. Welcome to my 'kingdom'!
Remember folks, 2020 is coming up fast, don't forget to have someone show you how to vote, for 'me' that is! Hey, do I know how to be 'Presidential', or what?'

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While the rally was officially a 2020 campaign event, it appeared to be more of a profanity-laced self-therapy session for Trump.

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