Monday, October 21, 2019

Mulvaney Said, "That's Not What I said", Really

'No, no, no, no, you've got it all 'wrong'! I did not say what I said! That's not what I said, I said, say's I! The "fake news" press has totally misinterpreted what I actually said! Totally, really, with out a doubt in my simple mind, that's what happened. If only there were a video or audio recording of that 'alleged' event! Then I'd be vindicated, and you'd know 'exactly' what transpired. Video's don't lie!
Look, I've graduated from Trump, 'The Serial Liar's', school of proper lying, earning a handsome degree in 'Lying, Backpeddling, Opaque Transparency and Denial', so I know what I'm talking about here. I wish I could make it more 'clear' so that even the most simple minded American Democrat could understand where I'm coming from, and even going to. You can be sure that my bosses 'base' believe every word I say, "so get over it"!
My boss has every confidence in my ability to lie for him at all costs, no matter that he very well may fire me in the coming days. But, that's just me, willing to ruin my life in order to save the very man that will eventually, probably sooner than later, ruin my own sorry life.
So, ask me no more questions, and Ill tell you no more lies. Really. And that's the truth as I know it, according to my boss of bosses.'

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Wallace repeatedly threw Mulvaney’s own remarks back in his face by playing clips from last week’s press briefing and at one point declared, “you said what you said.”

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