Wednesday, October 16, 2019

"Not Our Border"

'Remember that time when I said; “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me,” and; “They don’t know much because they’re not winning,”? Remember that? Sure you do. And now look at me, 'winning' like there's no tomorrow!
But hey, that's just me. No President has done what I've gotten away with, err..I mean, 'done'. They don't call me 'TurnTail-In-Chief' for nothing you know!
And how about those thugs, the Kurds, boy, "they're no angels". What a sorry bunch of losers they turned out to be. Couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. But you know what? Who needs them now anyway!? I single handedly totally destroyed ISIS, all by myself with no help from the Kurds, no help from anybody! Just me, myself, and I.
By the way, "Our soldiers are out of there. Our soldiers are totally safe," they were in great useless danger while there. I like 'wars', you know like my 'Tariff Wars', where no one gets hurt. Poor guys couldn't defend themselves, I had to order them to retreat with great haste. They wanted to stay, but being the best 'general' they ever had, and smarter than any of my so-called 'generals', I told them to do what I'd do if I were them, turn tail and beat feet outta there.
Speaking of ISIS, "By the way, everybody hates ISIS," "Some were released just for effect to make it look like ‘oh jee, we gotta get back in there.'" But that's not 'our' Border, it belongs to Turkey, and they can do as they please. Besides, ISIS knows better than to cross my path again if they know what's good for them. We'll never see them again, I can 'promise' you that! And I don't make 'promises' that I can't keep. Really. Not kidding folks.
Russia can have that sand lot, and they can have the whole of the 'Middle East' if they want it, we don't need them anymore. "If Russia wants to get involved with Syria, that's really up to them,". "We shouldn't be losing lives over it." "We're watching and we're negotiating and we're trying to get Turkey to do the right thing," and as usual, my military decisions are "strategically brilliant." Not to mention, but I will anyway, I am one though, brilliant, negotiator. But then, that's because I myself, am one "strategically brilliant" kind of guy with a "very large brain".
That's why the Electoral College made me King of America...errr..President, that is.'

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"It's not our border," Trump said speaking to reporters in the Oval Office.

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