Saturday, October 26, 2019

Wow! Seven Students!

'Wow! Would you look at that! What a crowd! Great Black College! Really smart students. Huge crowd! All those beautiful black faces out there! I see lots of personal friends here! Thousands, and thousands...maybe more...we'll see. Obama couldn't even get this many black folks to attend one of his speeches, and he' know..not really from here.
And look, at least seven students! Someone just told me that more of them would have turned out but they are very busy studying for an upcoming 'Ethics In Government' test. But what a turnout! And how about that wonderful reception committee out in front of the college. What a crowd! They really know how to show their love! How proud, and humble everyone must feel, just as I, myself do, to be in my godly presence.
Did I mention how persecuted your President is right now? Can you believe it!?? The democrats are trying to fire me! They'd never do this to a democrat! What a joke! This is like a "lynching"! I bet a lot of you can identify with how I feel. Remember those good ol' days? How can they do this to me?
Folks, ya gotta help me with this. Some of you probably know someone who can vote. Right? Believe me folks, the 'white' vote ain't gonna save me! It's people like you that must come out and vote for me. Look at all I've done for the Black race! Lots of stuff. Really big stuff. Now, it's time to thank me for all I've done for you people. Remember, only you can prevent a 'political' "lynching". Really.'

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More than 200 people attended President Donald Trump's speech at Benedict College, but only about 10 actual students were invited to the event -- his first appearance at a historically black college, and an effort to reach out beyond his usual base of support.

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