Saturday, October 19, 2019

Wow, Space Walking Women!

Wow, Space Walking Women!

Wow! Who would'a guessed? 'Women' in space! How about that! All those women right there in one small space. Boy, I'd love to be in there with them, if you 'know' what I mean .
Hey, boys and girls, here's something very few American's are aware of, did you know, just as I, myself, with my really big brain do, that, “this is the first time for a woman outside of the space station,” “the first-ever female spacewalk.” ? How about that boys and girls!...? 'Women' walking around in outer space! Now, I've seen everything! But there they are, and they couldn't have done it without three very important "brilliant" people; Me, Myself, and I. No other president could have pulled this off, but I did it all by myself. “This is the first time for a woman outside of the space station,”. “You are amazing people; they’re conducting the first ever female spacewalk to replace an exterior part of the space station. They’re doing some work, and they’re doing it in a very high altitude — an altitude that very few people will ever see.” I know for 'fact' that they are millions, and millions of miles, huge numbers, really big numbers just like the crowds I draw, way up there in deep, dark, outer space where there's very little life. They have to use flashlights to see where they're walking so they don't run into a passing star, or something, or something like that. Incredible! I don't know, I slept through my 'Star Wars' class, "we'll see, we'll see how it turns out". I'd like for them to send me a few private 'selfies' when they get into more comfortable clothes. Girls, just use my private number . Great job!
I'd like to thank these wonderful photo hound Girl Scout 'leaders' for tricking a few Girl Scouts, soon old enough to vote I hope, to come stand behind me so that it looks like I support women. Girls, be sure to pick up some White House cookies that my daughter baked just for you, discounted for today only, at only eight bucks a box. Doesn't she look marvelous with that snappy, pixy hairdo? Lets give her a big White House round of Clap, clap, clap !
And of course lets not forget my second in command, VP Pence, 'The Virtuous', for bringing jesus, and lots of 'thoughts and prayers' for all of us to drool over. Well, enough about 'me'. But really folks, how am I doing? I mean 'really'.'

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DONALD TRUMP was humiliated by two female astronauts after they fact-checked his lack of space knowledge during a live call.

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