Tuesday, October 29, 2019

"Loose Lips Sink Ships"

'Alright now, for all of the "fake news" reporters out there, and you know who you are CNN, that would love to make a big deal out of this personal ego inflating 'press briefing', I'm ordering my security staff to collect all cameras, notebooks, recorders, and especially, your own 'memories', because what I'm about to disclose is very, very sensitive, maybe even classified material. I don't know, we'll see. Can't be too careful. Remember, "Loose lips sink ships".  We wouldn't want this information to fall into the 'wrong' 'enimies' hands, you know, someone like ''Leaking Nancy', now would we. This is why American's can't trust that woman! She's a 'leaker' of secrets. I mean, is that batshit crazy, or is it just 'me'!? You simply can't trust someone like that. I mean, who does that?? See?, that's why I'm President, and she isn't.
So, if you promise not to tell anyone, here's how I, myself, and I, without any help from my enept generals made this 'highly sensitive' operation happen......'

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Some details the president has revealed are inaccurate, others are classified. Officials say they worry what to put in briefings for a man with no filter.

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