Monday, October 7, 2019

A Presidential Blow Away Job

'Well, I do believe in my little 'southern pride', heart of hearts, that, "President Trump is going to blow you away with his willingness to disclose and be transparent about this phone call, because I think he did nothing wrong and he has nothing to hide." Now don't 'quote' me on that right away because things are changing pretty fast, and now a second snitch has came forward trying to rat out the President, who like I said, "..he did nothing wrong and he has nothing to hide". Why, he wouldn't know how to do something "wrong" even if I taught him how myself. And as we 'all' know, he certainly has 'nothing' to hide from anyone. He's as open as his BFF Putin.
Again, hold off on quoting me for a few days, or weeks, or whatever. But like I said he's gonna "blow you away" with the truth. He's gonna huff n puff n huff so hard that you will literally be blown away. I promise that Trump, 'The Blowhard', can blow anyone so hard that it'll make their head spin! Whew! I 'speak' from experience folks! He's blown me away many a good time! And talk about being "transparent"! Trump is gonna be as transparent' as a bathroom window! You'll be able to practically see his innards! His whole family is just like him, honest, free of wrong stuff, and full of good, pretty much 'see-through', and just overflowing with "disclosure" in their genes. That's why I love the Trumps so very much, even to the point of selling my very soul to the devil in order to be in their good graces, because they are just like me, and I'm just like them.
So America, just go on back to sleep, don't believe anything you hear, and nothing you see, because remember, as Trumps 'front man', and his southern 'mouth piece', I'll be looking out for you, but be ready to get a really good "blow you away" job from the Prez any day now. Maybe this week..or this month..or sometime soon...I don't know, we'll see.'

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Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said President Trump's transparency about his call with the Ukrainian president will "exceed every expectation" in an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt. SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): Yeah, I hope that's...okay, yeah. But yeah, here's the point. Phone calls between the pr...

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