Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Jared, The Fixer of "Messes"

'Ohhh, myyyyy god!!! Would you just look at that! What a "mess"! And I'm not talking about a simply un-tidy kinda mess, I mean a 'real' mess! Luckily, my being the prodigal son, and next in line to the 'throne', of America's favorite 'ruler', I was born with the incredible knack for cleaning up "messes" left by messy people such as 'Messy Joe Biden'. I call him 'Messy Joe'. You 'know' what my 'Presidential' daddy calls him.
My esteemed, and incredibly "smart" daddy, loved and revered by all, wisely appointed me, at no extra charge to our subjects wallets, to be the official White House 'Mess Fixer-upper', and boy am I 'Jared on the spot'! Just look at this place! Messy Joe was surely raised in some sort of white ghetto where 'white trash' was the rule of the day. What a mess he left me! White Trash all over the place! The floors covered in Biden 'mess', were the bathrooms not working when he was here!? Who does that!?? Dirty sinks, filthy dishes, 'flies on the walls', disgusting non designer toilets overflowing with 'eeeek'!, and look, a spider in the cupboard!
'Messy Joe' should never be allowed to slither in these halls ever again. And you know what? My overqualified daddy, he who has the biggest brain of all, will make sure of that! He will! He will I tell you, he really will!  He 'promised' me that sooner or later, if I do a really, really good job cleaning up the White House messes, and not make any of my own, it will then be 'my' job to fix all of America's "messes" just as he is busily doing even as I 'speak'. Really, he is, and I will too, and that's a great big Jared promise! A 'promise' from a Trump is a promise never broken. Honest. I promise! Really.
Well, I must continue "cleaning up messes" around here. Busy, busy I am said I.
My daddy gave me an official White House apron with my name, and a 'silver spoon' drawn with his very own marker pen, right on the backside of it.
Boy, oh boy, I can't wait to be the very next 'owner' of my very own country, just like my daddy promised me. I'm practically on my way to my very own infamy, just like daddy.'   :O

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Jared Kushner—both President Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law—on Tuesday defended his role in the White House following recent criticism from 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden, explaining that most of the work he does now involves cleaning up the messes left behind by the former vice ...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Puppet O'Neill

Well, my goodness, Mr. Robert J. O'Neill, the guy who 'probably' shot bin Laden, aren't you just full of your egotistical self! While we all will no doubt concur with your calling Baghdadi a "scumbag", it seems that instead of parroting your otherwise hero, Trump, 'The Serial Name Caller', you could have used your own imagination and came up with something as creative on your own. But you couldn't do that could you? Nope. Monkey see, monkey do, and now you have proven yourself to be the perfect "Trumper" that he has groomed you to be. This is what happens when one allows other un-supervised children to play with our brains.
Of course you 'could' have stopped right after 'scumbagging' Baghdadi, which again, he certainly deserves, but your over estimation of your self worth carried you on to even more fertile, and closer to home, character pummeling grounds. Still full of yourself upon being hyper-inflated, via your arse, with hot air from your hero, you couldn't resist, just as your craven hero couldn't, of attacking one of your fellow American's, House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff, with; "If you’re the House Intel Chairman and are not told about the raid to kill the world’s #1 terrorist ... you might be a leaker,". It appears that Trump, 'The Infamous', might be using you as his personal 'hand puppet', but I'm guessing that you don't even notice that you are actually being used. However, you, just as every foolish ego maniac has ever done by getting too close to the very person who will destroy your life, will sooner than later hear your own name being besmirched by the very man-baby who will poop in your own pullups.
The best thing you can do before Trump burns you at the stake, is to flee as far away from him as possible, get a life, and thank your lucky stars that you were able, while you were still of a relatively sound mind, to see reality, and recognize a 'dangerous' Buffon for what he really is.
May the political gods, whatever they are, be with you.

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The former Navy SEAL credited with firing fatal shots at al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden expressed his relief at the death of terrorist leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, calling the extremist head of the Islamic State a "scumbag."

"Loose Lips Sink Ships"

'Alright now, for all of the "fake news" reporters out there, and you know who you are CNN, that would love to make a big deal out of this personal ego inflating 'press briefing', I'm ordering my security staff to collect all cameras, notebooks, recorders, and especially, your own 'memories', because what I'm about to disclose is very, very sensitive, maybe even classified material. I don't know, we'll see. Can't be too careful. Remember, "Loose lips sink ships".  We wouldn't want this information to fall into the 'wrong' 'enimies' hands, you know, someone like ''Leaking Nancy', now would we. This is why American's can't trust that woman! She's a 'leaker' of secrets. I mean, is that batshit crazy, or is it just 'me'!? You simply can't trust someone like that. I mean, who does that?? See?, that's why I'm President, and she isn't.
So, if you promise not to tell anyone, here's how I, myself, and I, without any help from my enept generals made this 'highly sensitive' operation happen......'

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Some details the president has revealed are inaccurate, others are classified. Officials say they worry what to put in briefings for a man with no filter.

Monday, October 28, 2019

No Redemption

Sorry Mr. Trump, but you could "lynch" the biblical Devil himself on the White House lawn, and you would still be lacking in redemption for your 'sins'. You are not forgiven, and not absolved of your many sordid, and sundry inequities. Accolades are due our brave soldiers, it was they, not 'you' that accomplished this feat. This will not save your soul nor your Presidency.


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US President Donald Trump announced Sunday, that ISIS leader Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi was killed in a "very dangerous mission" by a US special forces operations mission.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nancy The leaker

'Yeah, see, she can't be 'trusted' Can't trust her. She's what you might call, a 'secret teller'.
 I don't know why she doesn't like me. Hates me I hear. But I like her. Can't stand the way she stabs her fingers around in the air when she talks though. That's the sure sign of a liar. She should be more like me. But she can't be trusted with 'secrets', and I 'can'. Really.
But Russia, my good BFF-FWB Putin, on the other hand, now there's a different story. Very honorable guy. Beautiful family man. His people adore him. Always truthful to them, just like me with my own subjects. He has never lied to me on purpose. He actually told me that. I gotta believe him folks! He's a lot like myself, you know, lies only when he has to. But I trust him with America's very life. He trusts me. We trust one another. That's what friends do in love and war. And of course, I trust my BFF, the 'dictator' of Turkey. We get along really well, and we have pinkie promised to never lie to one another. Always be honest and truthful, just like adult boy scouts.
So yeah, I didn't feel the need to tell 'Fancy Nancy' State secrets that she'd just call a "Fake News" conference, where she'd blab about a military operation that's none of her business in the first place. I mean, who does that!? Look, I'm the President of America, I 'run' America, I make the 'rules', I can ignore any law of the land as long as I get the job done. So, what's the problem here? Besides, I know more about military stuff and killing America's enemies than all of my pitifully inept generals put together. I don't need no stinking generals. Bother, bother. I'm the only President that could kill ISIS. Lincoln couldn't even do it, that's why he finally gave up and retired from being President. Obama was in love with ISIS, and we 'know' where he was 'born', and that's why they were so mean to America, but they didn't know I was coming along to defeat both of them. All by myself, me, myself, and I.
I have singlehandedly destroyed ISIS to the very last man, all by myself. Just ask my generals. I don't trust them either.
But this isn't about me, is it? It's really about everyone else that envy me, and wish they were me. Am I 'great' or what? Well????'

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President Trump stated Sunday morning that he did not tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the U.S. military raid in Syria that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi because he was worried about leaks that could have compromised the mission. Vice President Mike Pence said this w...

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Wow! Seven Students!

'Wow! Would you look at that! What a crowd! Great Black College! Really smart students. Huge crowd! All those beautiful black faces out there! I see lots of personal friends here! Thousands, and thousands...maybe more...we'll see. Obama couldn't even get this many black folks to attend one of his speeches, and he' know..not really from here.
And look, at least seven students! Someone just told me that more of them would have turned out but they are very busy studying for an upcoming 'Ethics In Government' test. But what a turnout! And how about that wonderful reception committee out in front of the college. What a crowd! They really know how to show their love! How proud, and humble everyone must feel, just as I, myself do, to be in my godly presence.
Did I mention how persecuted your President is right now? Can you believe it!?? The democrats are trying to fire me! They'd never do this to a democrat! What a joke! This is like a "lynching"! I bet a lot of you can identify with how I feel. Remember those good ol' days? How can they do this to me?
Folks, ya gotta help me with this. Some of you probably know someone who can vote. Right? Believe me folks, the 'white' vote ain't gonna save me! It's people like you that must come out and vote for me. Look at all I've done for the Black race! Lots of stuff. Really big stuff. Now, it's time to thank me for all I've done for you people. Remember, only you can prevent a 'political' "lynching". Really.'

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More than 200 people attended President Donald Trump's speech at Benedict College, but only about 10 actual students were invited to the event -- his first appearance at a historically black college, and an effort to reach out beyond his usual base of support.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lost In Space

On the 'other' hand, if you are "lost in space" as depicted in this scenario with a limited supply of oxygen, hoping that your extradentary math acumen will save you simply by latching onto a hunk of space rock, then may the stars be with you.
If you are 'there', you will likely know how many minutes or hours of oxygen you have left before you are sucking a vacuum. Already you 'know' that you are lost in space, and wondering why you didn't clip into your 'safety line', and left your GPS unit in your 'other' suit. And, without those snappy space thrusters incorporated into your space 'suit', you are now simply a 'human space rock' on a forever trip into who knows where.
And now, you spy a space rock to your right only meters away, and to your left, Sandra Bullock with a freshly charged "fire extinguisher', equal distance from you as the space rock. So close, yet so far away. You both are zipping through the ill lighted darkness of space at the same speed when you realize that, 'hey, my human mass is less than that rocks mass, therefore its gravitational pull on my lessor mass will eventually pull me towards it until finally we are 'one''. And yet, there's Sandra over there with that potentially life saving extinguisher! But, bad news, her 'mass' of course is even less than your own. You 'could' just wait until your own gravitational mass pulls her to you, or, you could go for the 'rock' instead. This is called 'SQ'. (Space Quandary). You could easily figure out, on your calculator, how long it will take for the rocks gravitational attraction to pull you in, or, for Sandra to come to you, if only your 'calc' wasn't in your back pocket, and you'd paid attention in your physics 101 class.
But, let's just say that you 'know' how much time is left of your oxygen supply, which with every breathe is less and less, and that 'time' is 15 minutes and ticking, down. And lets say you figured, in your head, how long it will take to make contact with the rock, or for Sandra to make contact with 'you', and going to the rock will be the quickest route at 13 minutes, and Sandra at 14.75 minutes. Nothing personal Sandra. So now, you are 'safe' on your very own space rock with minutes to spare. You turn to wave to Sandra, only to discover that she has activated her fire extinguisher which is propelling her at the speed of light towards you and your little space island.
At NASA control room the screen lights up with the vision of a fireball that's called a 'CC' (Cosmic Collision). Someone yells out, 'man, there's a some serious space dust'! A supervisor say's to no one in particular, 'by the way, anyone heard from Fred lately?'

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With some basic physics, there are several ways to figure it out in real time.…

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"Strategically Brilliant", NOT

This is what happens when America's lame 'Commander-In-Competent', orders our troops to a humiliating 'retreat', giving up territory to Turkey, ISIS, and Russia.
This is what Trump, 'The Bail-Out King', calls "Strategically Brilliant".
Try to imagine for a second how these American fighters are feeling while being pelted with rotten fruit, and no doubt rocks, as they retreat under orders from Trump, The "Greatest General".
The PTSD they will likely suffer from this retreat can be a bad or even worse than from actual combat with the enemy.
And Trump brags about how "Brilliant" he is.


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The video emerged with US troops withdrawing from Syria following President Donald Trump's decision to end the US military's presence in the country.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Earthquake Hot Line

'RING, RING, RING...ATTENTION,This is an urgent call from your local Earthquake Emergency Hot Line, this is to inform you that a devastating earthquake will strike your area in forty five seconds. The only 'safe' place for you to survive is to immediately get on the Freeway and travel...…. .'

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The nation's first statewide system will send emergency alerts to cellphones, giving residents up to 20 seconds of warning before shaking begins.

Yep, The Saudi's Are Gonna Pay, 100%

'My fellow Americans, by using my incredibly astute negotiating skills, along with an abundant amount of my 'Presidential' charisma, I can honestly say that I have an agreement from my BFF's the Saudis, that they will cover 100% of the cost of 'room and board' for the American soldiers that I ordered to make a full, and hasty, not to mention, but I will, humiliating, RETREAT from Syria, while abandoning our cash strapped Kurdish ex-allies. You heard me correctly folks, One Hundred Percent coverage! No other President could have 'negotiated' an agreement like that! Wow! See what I'm capable of when I'm left unsupervised!? See? Well, do you?? Obama, eat your heart out! 
By the way, did you see how much the Kurds 'love' our soldiers? As our troops were in full humiliating retreat, at my 'Presidential' orders of course, the Kurds were actually 'tossing' food to them as they drove by on their way to help our Saudi allies who actually have lots of money with which to buy our protection. I'm told that our  retreating troops had to pull out so quickly that they left their food supplies behind for the Russians to eat, so they were 'very pleased' and 'proud' to accept the food handouts that the Kurds were tossing to them. 
"You read where we’re sending some troops to Saudi Arabia. That’s true. Because we want to help Saudi Arabia. They have been a very good ally. They’ve agreed to pay for the cost of those troops. They’ve agreed to pay fully for the cost of everything we’re doing over there. . . . Saudi Arabia is paying for 100 percent of the cost, including the cost of our soldiers". "And that negotiation took a very short time — like, maybe, about 35 seconds". Imagine that! Does that sound 'real' or what? "35 seconds"!!! Un-believable!! "We are sending troops and other things to the Middle East to help Saudi Arabia. But are you ready? Saudi Arabia, at my request, has agreed to pay us for everything we’re doing. That’s a first. But Saudi Arabia — and other countries, too, now — but Saudi Arabia has agreed to pay us for everything we’re doing to help them.” Can you actually 'believe' that??
And hey, remember how I made Mexico pay for thousands of miles of my 'wall'? Huge numbers! About a thousand miles already built! Maybe more, or less. We'll see. Remember that? Sure you do, and they've been paying ever since! Not one American dollar has been spent on my 'wall', and not one American dollar will be spent in Saudi Arabia! This is why the Electoral College 'elected' me as their President even though I lost the popular vote by about ten votes or so, because no other human being on planet earth can do what I can get away with, all by myself!
Makes you wonder why the Democrats still want to impeach me. Right? I mean, what's with that? Is that just crazy as bat shit, or is it just 'me'? Well? Welllll?'

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The president says Saudi Arabia will pay "100 percent" of the cost of U.S. troops dispatched to the kingdom. But no one will confirm that.

Mulvaney Said, "That's Not What I said", Really

'No, no, no, no, you've got it all 'wrong'! I did not say what I said! That's not what I said, I said, say's I! The "fake news" press has totally misinterpreted what I actually said! Totally, really, with out a doubt in my simple mind, that's what happened. If only there were a video or audio recording of that 'alleged' event! Then I'd be vindicated, and you'd know 'exactly' what transpired. Video's don't lie!
Look, I've graduated from Trump, 'The Serial Liar's', school of proper lying, earning a handsome degree in 'Lying, Backpeddling, Opaque Transparency and Denial', so I know what I'm talking about here. I wish I could make it more 'clear' so that even the most simple minded American Democrat could understand where I'm coming from, and even going to. You can be sure that my bosses 'base' believe every word I say, "so get over it"!
My boss has every confidence in my ability to lie for him at all costs, no matter that he very well may fire me in the coming days. But, that's just me, willing to ruin my life in order to save the very man that will eventually, probably sooner than later, ruin my own sorry life.
So, ask me no more questions, and Ill tell you no more lies. Really. And that's the truth as I know it, according to my boss of bosses.'

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Wallace repeatedly threw Mulvaney’s own remarks back in his face by playing clips from last week’s press briefing and at one point declared, “you said what you said.”

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Wow, Space Walking Women!

Wow, Space Walking Women!

Wow! Who would'a guessed? 'Women' in space! How about that! All those women right there in one small space. Boy, I'd love to be in there with them, if you 'know' what I mean .
Hey, boys and girls, here's something very few American's are aware of, did you know, just as I, myself, with my really big brain do, that, “this is the first time for a woman outside of the space station,” “the first-ever female spacewalk.” ? How about that boys and girls!...? 'Women' walking around in outer space! Now, I've seen everything! But there they are, and they couldn't have done it without three very important "brilliant" people; Me, Myself, and I. No other president could have pulled this off, but I did it all by myself. “This is the first time for a woman outside of the space station,”. “You are amazing people; they’re conducting the first ever female spacewalk to replace an exterior part of the space station. They’re doing some work, and they’re doing it in a very high altitude — an altitude that very few people will ever see.” I know for 'fact' that they are millions, and millions of miles, huge numbers, really big numbers just like the crowds I draw, way up there in deep, dark, outer space where there's very little life. They have to use flashlights to see where they're walking so they don't run into a passing star, or something, or something like that. Incredible! I don't know, I slept through my 'Star Wars' class, "we'll see, we'll see how it turns out". I'd like for them to send me a few private 'selfies' when they get into more comfortable clothes. Girls, just use my private number . Great job!
I'd like to thank these wonderful photo hound Girl Scout 'leaders' for tricking a few Girl Scouts, soon old enough to vote I hope, to come stand behind me so that it looks like I support women. Girls, be sure to pick up some White House cookies that my daughter baked just for you, discounted for today only, at only eight bucks a box. Doesn't she look marvelous with that snappy, pixy hairdo? Lets give her a big White House round of Clap, clap, clap !
And of course lets not forget my second in command, VP Pence, 'The Virtuous', for bringing jesus, and lots of 'thoughts and prayers' for all of us to drool over. Well, enough about 'me'. But really folks, how am I doing? I mean 'really'.'

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DONALD TRUMP was humiliated by two female astronauts after they fact-checked his lack of space knowledge during a live call.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

“Strategically Brilliant” Trump

Trump, 'The 'Brilliant'', yells for all to hear, 'we surrender', raises the white flag, orders 'retreat', abandons our allies, the Kurds, leaving them to be slaughtered by Turkey, turns our military bases and equipment over to Russian and Syrian troops, and proclaims to the world that his actions were “strategically brilliant”. But then after all, he has also claimed to the world that he knows more than all his generals put together.
I think we will find out that Trump knew from the very moment that he told our troops to turn tail and run, that Turkey was going to invade Syria in order to destroy the Kurds. I think that we will find out that Trump and his murderous BFF-FWB Erdogan had already agreed beforehand to the US retreat thus abandoning our allies, the Kurds, setting them up for the kill, and that after Turkey had accomplished its planned mission they would stop at a designated geographical point, at which time Trump would bluster, huff n puff, and pretend that if Turkey continued with their incursion he would suffer them with nasty sanctions. Of course Turkey would have already reached the agreed upon line in the sand. Trump and Erdogan then orchestrated this 'astoundingly' incredible "cease fire" so that Trump would get his bite of fame by claiming that he, and only he was able to gain a "cease fire", (actually in a 'war' that he, himself, caused and enabled) and come out looking like the Presidential 'hero' that he erroneously fancies himself to be.
There's much more to this sad event that has tarnished America's leadership, or lack there-of, standing in the worlds eyes which may never be repaired.

Now having said all this, I will tender that there's the off chance that I 'could' be wrong, but don't count on it, about all this, and if so, I'll raise my own 'white flag'.   ;)
America's Constitution is certainly not a 'perfect' instrument, it has its flaws, loopholes, and is subject to egregious interpretation by those who would be bold enough to usurp it for their own personal gains.
Trump, 'The Pretender' is the one person, the one President, who has usurped our Constitution for his, and his cronies own personal gains.
Our Constitution needs an amendment that will prevent any future President from doing the very unconstitutional things that Trump has done. The President has too much power, to the point of actually being above the law of the land, untouchable, unanswerable, to the point of literally acting as a 'King' representing himself and special interests instead of as the President charged with representing all of America.
Our forefathers never could has guessed that a Donald Trump would some day come along and trash our Constitution, but now that we know what kind of egomaniac he truly is, it is not too late to amend our Constitution and prevent anyone from such as Trump from destroying our democracy, and the world as a whole, ever again.

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Outlining Turkey's agreement of an immediate 120-hour cease-fire in Syria…