Sunday, September 29, 2019

What A "Surprise"!

'Oh, wow! Boy, am I "surprised", or 'what'? And talk about being "angry"! Did I mention, "dismayed"? I mean, just look at me, does this look like the face of a "surprised" person? yeah. That's me alright. And let me assure all American's that I 'knew' nothing about this alleged phone call until well after the actual event, if it actually occurred at all, which I'm not saying it did or didn't, and that's practically no lie. Nope, I don't lie any 'more'.....ahhhh… that is, 'anymore' than I used to. Really. You can believe me this time, and I swear on my bosses bible that it's the 'truth', the whole truth, and practically the whole truth, so help me my favorite invisible deity. Ok, just for the record, did I mention how very "surprised" I was when I belatedly heard about this so called, alleged, supposed, probably "fake news", phone call? Yep, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it, unless of course a video or audio tape comes out to prove me a liar. In the meantime I'll be working up a good excuse, just in case I have to backtrack to save my sorry ass. And that's the real truth. Honest.'

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Attorney General William Barr was dismayed to discover President Trump…

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