Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The New "Christian Race" In Mississippi

'Look folks, “First of all, we don’t do gay weddings or mixed race … because of our Christian race, I mean, our Christian belief,” errr...ahhh...I mean..ahhhh..whatever. I mean, come on people, I'm not some sort of "racist" or something like that! Really! I'm practically not even near being one of those. Of course there's no doubt that I was raised that way, and no doubt that I may 'seem' like I adhere to that sort of racist doctrine, I mean, after all, I Am from Mississippi, and it's just something that's in our blood down here. Once infected with the fear of dark skin there's simply no cure for it. Hey, I know a lot of those people, you know like them that work at the fried chicken place in town, they sure know how to cook chicken, makes me hungry just talking about it.
You see, I belong to the white "Christian race", and I'm quite proud of it. You may have never heard of "our Christian Race", but let me assure you that it's alive and well down here in my Lilly White Mississippi, and as you can see it just takes something like this 'no nothing news' to shine a spotlight on it so that all can see how we think down here. Southern heritage, and southern pride go hand in hand down here but I promise you that "Mixed race" won't ever! I just love being the 'poster girl' for our wonderful "Christian Race" and I know for 'sure' that every white person of pure "Christian Race" blood in Mississippi will back me on this. If I have my way there'll never be a "mixed race" marriage in my learned state of hate. I'm looking foreword to a booming business of white "Christian Race" customers after this! I'm so excited! Really, I am.'

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The relationship between religious exemption laws and racial discrimination is not new.

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