Thursday, September 19, 2019

I'm A 'Real' King, I Am, I Am, I Am

'Look, I tried to go swimming in the ocean there in that nasty city of San Francisco the other day but my EPA, otherwise known as my personal 'Environmental Pollution Agency', security detail, stopped me just in time. They said, 'well, would you look at that Mr. Presidente', the beach is just blanketed with drug needles, and toilet paper that were flushed off the city streets into the ocean. But don't you worry one little bit Your Greatness, we'll personally see to it that this drug infested, homeless poop shelter of a city will be sorry it ever existed'. Thank goodness I now own the EPA or I'd look like a cheap pin cushion now instead of a 'Dapper Dan' fitted out in multi thousand dollar designer suits fit only for the King that I am, I am, I am.
And then it occurred to my superior brain that these shiftless, homeless, useless people camping out in the streets of this pitiful place are actually polluting the ocean! I'm told by 'reliable sources' that these horrible people actually pee and poop in the ocean! I mean, who does that!?? Yeah, fish maybe, but 'people'? I'm never gonna drink that water ever again! But that's just me, right? But you know what, “They have to clean it up,” “We can’t have our cities going to hell.”
And to top it off, I'm told that California is trying to force my good friends the Auto makers, to increase the miles per gallon of cars and trucks made there! What's with that?? How will my other friends the, Oil Industry, maximize their profits if people are force to buy less gas? But, my personal 'Environmental Pollution Agency' will make sure that Obama's waiver is totally gutted!
Wow! Being an un-supervised self appointed 'King' is lots of fun, I don't ever want to grow up!'.

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The idea to tweak San Francisco went off like a non-LED lightbulb in his head.

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