Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Kroger, The 'Beggar'

"Asks"???? You mean like 'Oh please, pretty please Mr. 'Good Guy' with the semi automatic military assault style killing machine, please leave your murder tool in your pick-up trucks, or just hide'em under your tank-tops while shopping in our store'. THAT kind of 'ask'? Maybe they should get permission from the NRA first, after all, the NRA controls gun legislation in America, and I'm sure they would have some sort of 'common sense' input on gonadless Kroger's sorta not wanting firearms displayed in their stores. Yeah, no need to make a command decision here when a wimpy, gonadless 'ask' would be more politically correct.

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U.S. grocer Kroger Co has begun asking customers to stop openly carrying…

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