Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Watch Out Alabama!!

"I suggested yesterday at FEMA that, along with Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, even Alabama could possibly come into play, which WAS true, They made a big deal about this when in fact, under certain original scenarios, it was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some 'hurt.' Always good to be prepared! But the Fake News is only interested in demeaning and belittling. Didn't play my whole sentence or statement. Bad people!"
'Hey, as far as I could tell from listening to my golf carts radio while 'monitoring' the storm from my sumptuous golf course, it was also headed for North Dakota, Washington State, and even Alaska, because, "...under certain original scenarios..." that storm could have gone Anywhere it wanted to. Luckily, it turned out to be an insignificant rain storm with a little bit of wind and rain. No biggie. No big deal. It didn't even interrupt my emergency golf outing with my rich doors. I'm sending a big box of band aides to the whiners in the Bahama's out there in the middle of the ocean somewhere. They should move those Islands somewhere else. I've already ordered that that nowhere country of Puerto Rico be moved. Who lives in those places!? Disgusting beggars! No more money! get a job!
Well, I'd love to tell more lies but I'm a very busy man what with important meetings with small time leaders of other nations, phone calls from all over the world praising my astounding 'presidential' leadership and business acumen and negotiating skills. There's good reason why I'm the "chosen one", no one else can do it the way I do it. Really. 'Trust' me on this.'  ;)

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President Donald Trump lashed out at the ABC White House correspondent Jonathan Karl, who said Trump had "misstated the storm's possible trajectory."

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