Sunday, September 8, 2019

Megachurch Pastor says.....

'Hi breathern, you all know me, I'm Brainerd Baptist Church Senior Pastor Robby Gallaty, and I 'approve' this message. First, let me be perfectly, homophobically clear, that I have searched all over this christian, evangelical America for someone from the Taliban to carry out my christian wishes, which by the way have been approved by god himself, but do you think I could find even just one of those Taliban guys? Hell no! Not a single one of them have came foreword! Not one! Talk about disappointed! So, it looks like it's gonna be up to American's of our christian faith to do gods bidding, which is....wait for it now...."gays must be put to death"! That's right folks, that's what I said, and it's right from my ice cold heart. Kill'em, murder'em, slaughter'em, hang'em, toss'em off tall buildings' chop off their hands, their feet, their ears, their tongues, oh, and their heads if all that don't work. Or, just kill'em dead as the christmas goose anyway! Ok, let me see a show of hands of anyone here who thinks they are 'gay', and I don't mean 'gay' as in 'happy go lucky'. You 'know' what I mean folks. Well then, do anyone of you 'know' someone who is gay, or even acts gay, looks gay, talks gay, winks at men, maybe not married? I have conveniently passed around a 'gay' questionnaire that you are ordered by god himself to fill out and place in the 'suggestion' box. Afterwards there will be a 'holy gay inquisition' followed by a few gay murders, and followed up with a 'burning at the stake' party, be sure to bring a covered dish. Praise the lord, and kill the gays.'

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Claiming that being gay is a choice like drug abuse, the senior pastor for a…

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