Monday, September 9, 2019

Our 'Negotiator-In-Chief'

"Peace"?? Quite the contraire . There will never be "peace" of any sort in the middle east. There never has been, there never will be, and Trump, 'The Consummate Negotiator', dream as he will, will not ever 'negotiate' a 'peace treaty' with the Taliban, ISIS or ISIL. He might eventually paint his name with a 'sharpie' on a piece of paper claiming such, but they do not want peace in the definition of the term. They simply want to subjugate the whole world to be on their own 'peace' terms. Which means that they want their form of their hijacked 'religion' to be The Religion that the whole world bows to. And if you refuse, they will suicide bomb you into oblivion. It's either their way, or they will sub-divide your body into a million little shards of DNA.
The Taliban is a sworn enemy of the United States of America. Their goal is to murder as many Americans as they possible can, no matter where that may be, and they will stop at nothing to further that goal. Even if every single America exited the Middle east, the Taliban or some derivative thereof will continue their terroristic acts until they finally control every Middle Eastern Country and the millions of souls within. Trump can sign a thousand 'Peace" treaties with these terrorists, and they will destroy a thousand and one of them the minute America exits this dust bowl of death. And this will go down in history as just another 'war' that America has totally lost because it was fought as a 'political' war instead of a 'Military' war. And yet, Trump, 'The Bombastic', will crow loudly that he, and only he was able to 'negotiate a peace' deal (with our sworn enemies) that no other president was able to do. One does not 'negotiate' from a weak position, and there can never be 'peace' for the loser.

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The planned trip was reportedly embraced by President Donald Trump, but some National Security Council officials weren't privy to the developments.

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