Tuesday, September 17, 2019

He 'Loves' Hispanics

He 'Loves' Hispanics
'Man! Don'tcha just love those "Hispanic" people! Boy, I sure do! Especially the 'legal' ones that know how to 'vote'. The others, not so much, especially those trying to jump my 'border wall', which by the way, I've built hundreds and hundreds, maybe thousands, of miles of new 'wall'. Really, I really have. Just the other day I was down there running a cement mixer. Wow! What fun! But look, this isn't about me, myself and I, is it? It's about me sucking... up to 'brown people' for votes. I've already got all the 'white people', and the 'black people', now I need some other colors, you know, the 'brown' ones. What a great race of folks! And boy can they ever 'multiply'! If you know what I mean.
I just love Hispanic people, and you know what? They love me right back. Right? Nobody's done more to, opps, I mean for, Hispanics than I have. Democrats hate brown people! Have you seen how they put little brown kids in cages and deport their parents just because they want to live in America? Who does that!? Obama does that!
Hispanics love me I tell you! I stopped illegal drugs from crossing our borders. Hispanics love me for that. They understand more than white people just how bad drugs can be. Now, Hispanics are drug free, free from addictions because of my wall that protects them from themselves. That's why they love me, and hate that Obama.
"And at the center of America's drug crisis, this is where the Hispanics know it better than anybody, people said, 'Oh, the Hispanics won't like a wall.' I said, 'I think they are going to love it,'". 'They won't like border security.' 'I think they're going to love.' You know why? Because you understand it better than other people, but at the whole center of this crisis is the drugs that are pouring in, and you understand that when other people don't understand it."
Hey, I see CNN contributor Steve Cortes in the audience. Steve, vote for me, right? "Steve could be Hispanic even though, he appeared to be of Northern European descent."
“He happens to be Hispanic, but I never quite figured it out because he looks more like a WASP than I do”. I mean, does he look 'Hispanic' to you? He's looks whiter than I am! Maybe from Finland? I don't know. But he 'say's' he's Hispanic. We'll see.
Hey Steve, "Who do you love more, the country or Hispanics?” What's that Steve? Did you mumble “country,”?? “I don’t know. I may have to go for the Hispanics, to be honest with you. We got a lot of Hispanics.” Make up your mind Steve, white, brown, Hispanic, republican, you can't be both, I need your vote!
Boy, I sure 'love and respect' republican, Hispanic voters. Come on folks, get out and vote for me. Please. Really. Can't you see that I love you, at the moment? Honest. I've never lied to a 'brown' person anymore than I've lied to a white person. You can 'trust' me folks, and that's not a lie this time.'

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The president made a rally pitch for Hispanic voters in a state he lost by 8 points in 2016: “Nobody loves the Hispanics more,” he said at a rally here Monday night.

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