Friday, September 27, 2019

Save Our Democracy

THIS, is what happens when our president sanctions the destruction of our Democracy, and the trashing of our Constitution.
The 'Rule of law', and the setting of proper ethics should start at the 'top' and flow downhill from there. Instead, Trump, 'The Incompetent', flaunts and violates our 'Rule of Law', usurps our Constitution, anoints himself as a quasi 'King' of our nation, proclaims himself above the law, and acts as if he is the 'Dictator-In-Chief', instead of our 'Commander-In-Chief', and all of this instead flows downhill polluting all those who come in contact with this toxic waste.
It is time for America's self appointed 'King Trump' to abdicate the 'throne', failing that, then all American's should step up to the plate and 'fire' this incompetent Buffon before he has a chance to totally destroy our nation. It is high time that we stop this flaunting of 'High Crimes' 


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