Monday, September 30, 2019

Foot In Mouth Desease

'What!???? I did?? I said that???? No waaaaay! You have mistook me for someone else! Do you know how many 'Mark Amodei's' there are in Nevada? Do you have any idea?? It's a very common name, I get mail, phone calls, all sorts of stuff for other guys that have my name. So bothersome!
So yeah, fake news, just more democratically induced fake news trying to make me look bad. Why do people do that!? That's My job! I mean really! Is that crazy, or is it just me? Look, I love Trump, he 'knows' that...right? He's doing some sorta bang-up job I tell you. He's practically, almost, my favorite hero! I'd still vote for him even if he turned out to be some sort of liar, or that. Boy! Is it hot in here or what? Hey, has anyone seen my gonads? Little bitty things about the size of a gnat. Boy, those things just disappeared like magic! Am I a 'good' congressman or what? Or what???'

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Rep. Mark Amodei of Nevada is walking back his previous comments that appeared to indicate his support for the House's Democrat-led impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

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