Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Donnie Calling Zel, Donnie Calling Zel...

'Ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring..Hello, you have reached a recorded line, at the sound of the tone please leave a.....
'Zelensky! Pick up the damn phone, it's me, your 'pal' in Washington'.
'Oh, Привіт! Please tell me who you are please, I seem to have no "pal" in Washington'.
'Zel, it's me Donnie!'
'Donnie?? Sorry, that name does not ring the bell. What are you selling?' ...
'Goddamn it Zel, it's me, Trump, you know, the King of America.'
'Oh yeah, 'you again', what do you want this time?'
'Look Zel, I got a deal you can't refuse. Remember that 250mil that I promised you? Remember that? You still want it? Now here's the 'deal' Zel, I've got a pain in the ass that's causing me heartache.'
'Well, President Donnie, perhaps you should see a good proctologist'.
'Zel, I need your help pal. How badly do you want the 250mil Mel? Imagine what you could do with that kind of dough Zel. 'Cash' money Zel. New car. Nice airplane. Maybe a small yacht. A snappy Rolex, maybe a house in the 'burbs'. Zel! You still there!??
What do I have to do for it Donnie?
That's more like it Zel, I knew you'd come around pal. Remember 'Biden', Hunter Biden? Just nod your head, and say you do Zel, I've got the cash right here in my sweaty little hand Zel. I know you want it Zel. Look pal, all you gotta do is sell your soul to me Zel, just this one time and I'll hardly ever bother you again, really, 'trust' me Zel, you gotta help me get re-elected in 2020.
Donnie, is this being recorded, do you have me on 'speakerphone'?
Don't worry about it Zel, I'm untouchable here in my kingdom, I can't even be 'investigated' for a 'crime', even if I committed one in the first place. I make the laws here, all of which I am above. I'll be America's 'King' forever Zel, but I need you to prostitute your soul maybe just this one time Zel. Zel, I'm only gonna beg you eight or nine times Zel!
'Click'! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..
Zel? Zel!?? Zel, you still there???? Zel! Don't you dare hang up on me Zel! Zellllll! Zel?'

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Sources said the president repeatedly urged Zelensky to work with Giuliani on looking into the 2020 candidate’s son.

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