Sunday, September 15, 2019

Biden v 'Corn Pop'

Well, it's bad enough that we are suffering under Trump, 'The Serial Liar', but now must we be taunted by Biden, 'The Exaggerator', (and we'll see just how quickly this little tale turns into a lie) with tales of 'bravery almost beyond belief? Tales of extraordinary 'bravado' such as this, especially coming from a professional politician begging for votes, should be placed under the 'fact check' microscope before accepting the possible 'tall tale' as factual. And, maybe it is a 'factual' account of another of Biden's heroic moments in life. Maybe. But if I were a betting man, I certainly would not bet my own money on it. Right now though, you can bet that there are savvy news reporters/investigators that are digging into this story like a fox after a rodent. Time will tell.


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A Twitter thread from the Root senior writer Michael Harriot renewed interest and skepticism about a story Joe Biden told, in which the former vice president claimed to have stood up to a local gang leader at a swimming pool in 1962.

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