Sunday, September 8, 2019

'The Weatherman Guru'

Trump, 'The Weatherman Guru', extends his 'Presidential' bullyness to NOAA, the very agency that is charged with providing Accurate, and timely weather information to America, and the world in general.
Every Federal Agency across America lives in fear of America's self imposed 'King' who will quickly chop off the errant head of any Federal Official that dares disagree with, or rebuke, even the flurry of obvious lies, and misinformation that spews from their Kings deceitful, lying lips.
Is there now any Federal Agency left that can actually be trusted to think independently, and scientifically, of their master, 'King Trump'? Will NOAA now appoint their King to now chart the paths, and even degrees of any future hurricane as he see's fit?
Even if Trump, 'The Learned', is defeated in 2020 it will take decades, if ever, to fully recover from the terrible damage that he has inflicted on our nation. And worse yet, or just as bad, is if the republicans again gain control of our government, even without him, they will simply continue the destruction that their dysfunctionally inept hero started.
This is not the way America's democracy is supposed to work.
We do not need a 'King', we need a President, a Commander-In-Chief, a 'Leader', that has the best interests of America, and all American's at heart.

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They were also told not to “provide any opinion,” according to a copy of the email. NOAA’s backing of Trump has been met with a backlash from scientists and meteorologists.

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