Friday, September 27, 2019

Rudy, The All American Hero

'Well, would you just take a peek at that; I'm finally almost a 'National Hero', and I did it all by myself. You see, during all this time that I've been pretending to be working 'for' Trump, I've secretly been working 'against' him, all the while trying to save our democracy from itself. I should win some sort of award! Maybe I'll run for the 'Office of The President', or maybe the leader of a cub scout troop. I'm pretty sure Trump will give me the 'Presidential Medal of freedom' for all I've done to...err...I mean 'for' America with his learned assistance.
“I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government,” “Anything I did should be praised.” I'm whatcha might call, a 'national hero'. Really. And I'm not just saying that to hear myself talk. I dove right into the 'Deep State' looking for wrongdoing in governments around the world. Oh sure, maybe in retrospect I should have started right here at home, but my 'boss of bosses' sent me hither and yon instead, I often wondered about that, and boy the jobs I've done! And now, what thanks do I get for all the 'lawful' work as a private citizen that I've done? Well, actually, nothing as yet, but in the end it will be I, and I alone who will come out of this as the epitomy of heroism.
Now, there's people in the White House that are saying stuff like; "Rudy putting shit in Trump’s head.” But I tell you this, there's no more room in his head for more "shit". And now, there's this fake 'whistleblower' thing going around. What a sham! “If this guy is a whistle-blower, then I’m a whistle-blower too,” “You should be happy for your country that I uncovered this.” No one would have ever known about this fake phone call thing if it hadn't been for all the 'undercover' work I've been busy doing. I'm sorta like a 'mole-man'. Trump even gave me a secret code name; 'Rudy', so that no one would know my real identity.

I'm a 'hero' I tell you, a real life, in the flesh, hero. There'll be books written about me, mostly By me of course, statutes in parks, children named after me, stuff like that. But look, this isn't about how great I am, how intelligent I am, how patriotic I am is it? It's about seeing, and doing the 'right' thing for my country. And that's my story and I'm sticking to it, that is until an incriminating video, or audio recordings pop up. We'll see. We'll see.' :/

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President Trump’s personal attorney unleashes in a new phone call with The Atlantic while Trump allies turn on him.

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