Monday, September 30, 2019

Trump, Meeting The Truth

'Yeah, "I deserve to meet my accuser", in a private toe-to-toe meeting, as well as “the person who illegally gave this information” to this snitch that has spied on me, so that I may pummel, insult, denigrate, embarrass, scorn, threaten, and properly bully that "traitor", that horrible "spy" that has brought my real self to the light of day! How dare someone, without my permission, spy on me in the privacy of my very own 'castle' while I'm busy protecting my kingdom from these very same type of disgusting people! I mean, who does this to their beloved 'King'?'


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Trump, in a series of Twitter posts on Sunday evening, said he wanted to "meet" the whistleblower, who he called "my accuser," as well as "the person who illegally gave this information" to the whistleblower.

Foot In Mouth Desease

'What!???? I did?? I said that???? No waaaaay! You have mistook me for someone else! Do you know how many 'Mark Amodei's' there are in Nevada? Do you have any idea?? It's a very common name, I get mail, phone calls, all sorts of stuff for other guys that have my name. So bothersome!
So yeah, fake news, just more democratically induced fake news trying to make me look bad. Why do people do that!? That's My job! I mean really! Is that crazy, or is it just me? Look, I love Trump, he 'knows' that...right? He's doing some sorta bang-up job I tell you. He's practically, almost, my favorite hero! I'd still vote for him even if he turned out to be some sort of liar, or that. Boy! Is it hot in here or what? Hey, has anyone seen my gonads? Little bitty things about the size of a gnat. Boy, those things just disappeared like magic! Am I a 'good' congressman or what? Or what???'

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Rep. Mark Amodei of Nevada is walking back his previous comments that appeared to indicate his support for the House's Democrat-led impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

What A "Surprise"!

'Oh, wow! Boy, am I "surprised", or 'what'? And talk about being "angry"! Did I mention, "dismayed"? I mean, just look at me, does this look like the face of a "surprised" person? yeah. That's me alright. And let me assure all American's that I 'knew' nothing about this alleged phone call until well after the actual event, if it actually occurred at all, which I'm not saying it did or didn't, and that's practically no lie. Nope, I don't lie any 'more'.....ahhhh… that is, 'anymore' than I used to. Really. You can believe me this time, and I swear on my bosses bible that it's the 'truth', the whole truth, and practically the whole truth, so help me my favorite invisible deity. Ok, just for the record, did I mention how very "surprised" I was when I belatedly heard about this so called, alleged, supposed, probably "fake news", phone call? Yep, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it, unless of course a video or audio tape comes out to prove me a liar. In the meantime I'll be working up a good excuse, just in case I have to backtrack to save my sorry ass. And that's the real truth. Honest.'

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Attorney General William Barr was dismayed to discover President Trump…

Friday, September 27, 2019

Save Our Democracy

THIS, is what happens when our president sanctions the destruction of our Democracy, and the trashing of our Constitution.
The 'Rule of law', and the setting of proper ethics should start at the 'top' and flow downhill from there. Instead, Trump, 'The Incompetent', flaunts and violates our 'Rule of Law', usurps our Constitution, anoints himself as a quasi 'King' of our nation, proclaims himself above the law, and acts as if he is the 'Dictator-In-Chief', instead of our 'Commander-In-Chief', and all of this instead flows downhill polluting all those who come in contact with this toxic waste.
It is time for America's self appointed 'King Trump' to abdicate the 'throne', failing that, then all American's should step up to the plate and 'fire' this incompetent Buffon before he has a chance to totally destroy our nation. It is high time that we stop this flaunting of 'High Crimes' 


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Two Trump supporters are offering a $50,000 reward for information about…

Rudy, The All American Hero

'Well, would you just take a peek at that; I'm finally almost a 'National Hero', and I did it all by myself. You see, during all this time that I've been pretending to be working 'for' Trump, I've secretly been working 'against' him, all the while trying to save our democracy from itself. I should win some sort of award! Maybe I'll run for the 'Office of The President', or maybe the leader of a cub scout troop. I'm pretty sure Trump will give me the 'Presidential Medal of freedom' for all I've done to...err...I mean 'for' America with his learned assistance.
“I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government,” “Anything I did should be praised.” I'm whatcha might call, a 'national hero'. Really. And I'm not just saying that to hear myself talk. I dove right into the 'Deep State' looking for wrongdoing in governments around the world. Oh sure, maybe in retrospect I should have started right here at home, but my 'boss of bosses' sent me hither and yon instead, I often wondered about that, and boy the jobs I've done! And now, what thanks do I get for all the 'lawful' work as a private citizen that I've done? Well, actually, nothing as yet, but in the end it will be I, and I alone who will come out of this as the epitomy of heroism.
Now, there's people in the White House that are saying stuff like; "Rudy putting shit in Trump’s head.” But I tell you this, there's no more room in his head for more "shit". And now, there's this fake 'whistleblower' thing going around. What a sham! “If this guy is a whistle-blower, then I’m a whistle-blower too,” “You should be happy for your country that I uncovered this.” No one would have ever known about this fake phone call thing if it hadn't been for all the 'undercover' work I've been busy doing. I'm sorta like a 'mole-man'. Trump even gave me a secret code name; 'Rudy', so that no one would know my real identity.

I'm a 'hero' I tell you, a real life, in the flesh, hero. There'll be books written about me, mostly By me of course, statutes in parks, children named after me, stuff like that. But look, this isn't about how great I am, how intelligent I am, how patriotic I am is it? It's about seeing, and doing the 'right' thing for my country. And that's my story and I'm sticking to it, that is until an incriminating video, or audio recordings pop up. We'll see. We'll see.' :/

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President Trump’s personal attorney unleashes in a new phone call with The Atlantic while Trump allies turn on him.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ignorant 'Adults'


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The president tweeted about 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg.

"Mysterious Event"? Hardly

Humans landed there. End of "mysterious event".

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Today, the planet Venus is incredibly hostile to life as we know it. With surface temperatures near 500 degrees Fahrenheit and a thick cloud layer of sulfuric acid, you wouldn’t last long if …

The Last Straw

Trump, 'The Presidential Imposter', is the 'straw' that broke the Constitutions back.

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What do you do if the top of the chain of command is rotten? If the rank and file are losing faith in him? Impeach.

Boris, The 'Threat' Magician

Holy presidential crap! Has Trump, 'The Bully-In-Chief', been able to replace Johnson's soul with his own???

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Johnson triggered outrage after accusing his opponents of "surrender" and telling them to back Brexit in order to stop receiving death threats.

Pants On Fire

This is what two liars look like while they cover one another's asses with lies, knowing that they both stand to 'profit' either monetarily or personally if they both get away with it.
Trump, 'The Serial Liar', is grooming his newfound BFF-FWB to be his new 'puppet-boy-toy', that will soon discover that crawling under the political sheets with Trump, 'The Harbinger Of Doom', will cost him dearly. Advice to Zel; Run away now before it's too late.


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'It turned out to be a nothing call': Trump reacts to release of transcript. Trump on Wednesday spoke to reporters on release of Ukraine call transcript.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Donnie Calling Zel, Donnie Calling Zel...

'Ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring..Hello, you have reached a recorded line, at the sound of the tone please leave a.....
'Zelensky! Pick up the damn phone, it's me, your 'pal' in Washington'.
'Oh, Привіт! Please tell me who you are please, I seem to have no "pal" in Washington'.
'Zel, it's me Donnie!'
'Donnie?? Sorry, that name does not ring the bell. What are you selling?' ...
'Goddamn it Zel, it's me, Trump, you know, the King of America.'
'Oh yeah, 'you again', what do you want this time?'
'Look Zel, I got a deal you can't refuse. Remember that 250mil that I promised you? Remember that? You still want it? Now here's the 'deal' Zel, I've got a pain in the ass that's causing me heartache.'
'Well, President Donnie, perhaps you should see a good proctologist'.
'Zel, I need your help pal. How badly do you want the 250mil Mel? Imagine what you could do with that kind of dough Zel. 'Cash' money Zel. New car. Nice airplane. Maybe a small yacht. A snappy Rolex, maybe a house in the 'burbs'. Zel! You still there!??
What do I have to do for it Donnie?
That's more like it Zel, I knew you'd come around pal. Remember 'Biden', Hunter Biden? Just nod your head, and say you do Zel, I've got the cash right here in my sweaty little hand Zel. I know you want it Zel. Look pal, all you gotta do is sell your soul to me Zel, just this one time and I'll hardly ever bother you again, really, 'trust' me Zel, you gotta help me get re-elected in 2020.
Donnie, is this being recorded, do you have me on 'speakerphone'?
Don't worry about it Zel, I'm untouchable here in my kingdom, I can't even be 'investigated' for a 'crime', even if I committed one in the first place. I make the laws here, all of which I am above. I'll be America's 'King' forever Zel, but I need you to prostitute your soul maybe just this one time Zel. Zel, I'm only gonna beg you eight or nine times Zel!
'Click'! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..
Zel? Zel!?? Zel, you still there???? Zel! Don't you dare hang up on me Zel! Zellllll! Zel?'

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Sources said the president repeatedly urged Zelensky to work with Giuliani on looking into the 2020 candidate’s son.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Waaaaa! He Wants A Nobel Prize

Oh, WaaaaWaaaWaa!  And what exactly has Trump, 'The Incompetent-In-Chief', done to deserve even a Boy Scout badge, let alone a Nobel Prize? Notice the first word of that handle, 'Nobel', hardly anything that Trump can attest to or even be accused of. He seems to think that being born with a silver plated spoon in his lying mouth makes him a shoe-in for the ultimate 'prize'. If he deserves any 'prize' at all, it would be for being the most untruthful, and sorriest president America has ever had the misfortune to suffer.

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President Donald Trump said that he believes he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for "many things" but carped that the award isn't handed out fairly.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Trump card

Trump Card

Once upon a time not too long ago, in the land of 'Are We There Yet', there lived a strange little man, known here after as 'DT', who's name will go unmentioned, but whose initials are 'Donald Trump'. Now, little DT was born with a silver spoon in his yappy mouth, and with the help of his father, and through wile and guile he rose up through the ranks of the rich and famous until he floated right to the top of the 'pile' where he was now able to conduct himself just any ol' way he pleased.
One day, someone told him that he needed more attention from the public at large, and suggested that if he did something 'crazy,' like become a TV celerity he would then be known and loved far and wide. Ever in the need of attention he jumped on that bandwagon and charged ahead. His 'hair stylist' recommended the latest in hair fashion which he called the 'FlipDoo', and that style caught on like wildfire and became the rage. Mothers would bring their fresh born and lay them at DT's feet so that his charisma and good looks would somehow be bestowed upon their babes.
And so it was that DT became famous, and world renowned with TV shows like the Miss USA pageant, Miss Universe, The Apprentice, and even, The Celebrity Apprentice, and he became 'famous' for blurting out 'You're Fired'. DT amassed many notable BFF's, and FWB's along the way, some of which he elevated to Hero status such as that basketball bouncing guy Dennis Rodman, who by the way is also BFF's-FWB with the Dictator of that wonderfully touristy country of North Korea. Now after DT's twenty minutes of fame, or Infamy, with his glamorous made for TV 'reality' shows, somehow he had the idea that he could get even More attention if he just happens to be the President of the USA. 'Me, Me, Me,' he said to no one in particular. 'I've got more money than Jesus, and If I have to spend every copper cent of it I'll buy my way into the White House come hell or high water', and after there I'll lie my way to infamy, he said to anyone still foolish enough to still be around at the time. And so he started spending that money, and practiced and perfected his lying skills! Some are pretty sure that he had a lot less  money than he bragged about, but a lot more than anyone else had as well. This might count towards his 'common sense', or lack of same, as well. Now, not being a 'politician', yet, DT had no clue that the enemies he makes Now, will still be there if he's Ever, heavens forbid, elected. Yes, he was without a doubt, well, maybe a 'Few' doubts, a great business man, and money maker extraordinaire. But along the way to fame and fortune little DT lost, or more likely never Knew, the art of 'Peopleship', and he most often let his lips spew awkward spells on those around him. His motto was, 'If my brain Thinks it, my lips will Say it'. And so it was that little DT threw his bonnet, and pacifier into the 'Ring of Death', and started his bid for the White House. Yet, having lived in a sheltered fantasy world all of his life, he had no clue as to how the 'regular' folks lived or thought, or how the rest of the World functioned. But he made up for this deficit by maximum bluster, unheralded pontification, back peddling, masterful avoidance, round-about run-arounds, steering clear of important issues, and BS that would make a barn full of Bulls smell like a rose garden. But 'run' he did, mostly from issues of current National and World affairs. Pestered he was by reporters and politicians alike, all trying to get a qualified, and quantified answer about this or that from little DT, but all failed miserably to hear Anything of substance from his fluttering lips. They all staggered away, bewildered, heads hung low, legs wobbly, tears falling like autumn leaves, wringing their hands and wondering WTF had they just witnessed. Little DT knew little of world affairs or what the Real needs of his potential voters were, but he knew that if he spewed the words they all wanted to hear he would get their vote. He even, through clinched teeth, claimed that he 'loves women'. And so he promised extraordinary 'things', even things he Knew would be Impossible to make happen, and on he ran. People Knew that he possessed magic after they heard him say things like ' Why, I'll do things that'll make your heads spin', 'You won't believe the things I can do'. Being able to do those sorts of things surely meant that he was magical and could do otherworldly things. And so millions of disenchanted voters who's lives were void of magic, flocked to be near their new Messiah, and they clapped their hands, and moved their lips in approval of his empty words, his bombastic rhetoric, never had they stood in such awe of another being who said what they all 'thought', how could he Read their 'minds' so, they wondered. But, 'wondering' was as Far as they 'wondered', because little DT was fast of lips, and quicker than a dragonfly he flitted from one grandiose nation saving promise to the next. 'Substance' was Not in the empty calorie diet he would feed his 'captives'.
And so it was etched in the annals of time that little DT wooed and wow'd, and lied as he skipped about his fiefdom, and even those who did not love him 'thought' they did, and those that Did sometimes wondered 'Why' they did, but none 'wondered' quite enough to see the folly of it all.
And Then, after all was said and done, lied, and there was nothing else to say, and do, the dreams of 'some' came 'true', and the nightmares of others became real, and the 'Stockholm Syndrome' set in, as little DT became President of the USA.
Across the land far, and wide, could be heard happy voices, and gnashing of teeth, wringing of sweaty hands, shuffling of feet, shouts of WTF just happened? The religious 'Right' stomped their feet and slapped one another with their bibles in approval, the 'Left' flogged themselves in disbelief, the homophobic, and the 'Alt-Right' factions came out of their closets and cheered heartedly, the 'illegals' clogged the border crossings, the 'Birthers'...well, they did what all good 'birthers' do, they simply doubted. The Earth, flat to some, continued to revolve, or spin, around the Sun, but in a sorta...strange, and discombobulated wobbly fashion. 
Such was 'life' on Earth after the great 'awakening'. 
The moral of this story is thus; Be careful what you 'wish' for, because you just 'might' get it. ;) ;)

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Ben and Betsy Show

'Hi there 'straight' evangelical voters, I'm 'straight', not even nearly 'bent', homophobic, Ben, and this beautiful homophobic 'straight' woman beside me is none other than the 'learned', example for America's youth, Betsy. You know, if it hadn't been for our 'Hero-In-Chief' in the White House, you probably would never have heard of either of us. But boy, just look at us now! We sure are lucky! Ain't we a sight for sore eyes! Me a strapping, fine example of your average ex-heart doctor turned politician, Black guy, and she, a pasty white, ignorant White woman pretending to be literate. But hey, this isn't about 'us' is it? No, indeed not!
We're here to tell the whole wide world, and even beyond, if at all possible, about what's on our republican minds in a tiny little nut shell. Now, everyone is very much aware of "big hairy men" trying to force their way into 'for women only' shelters and restrooms all across America. Happens every day. Many times. Incredible numbers! They don't even shave or anything! They just put on a dress, and heels, and try to walk right in! Can you believe that!? Can you? Well? can you? Of course you can. The democrats have caused this widespread problem by praising the devil, and now it's up to 'us' christians to put a stop to it. Praise the good lord! Thank goodness we have these hard core ultra religious, Christian evangelicals, that feel the same way we feel about these sinful LGBT people that are always pushing themselves into our restrooms, especially those at certain parks where I like to play at. So pesky!
Now, I think homo-Betsy wants to say a few words. She's always a dim light in a dark room, so listen up folks.
'Hi there. My names Betsy, that's with a capital 'B'. I'm practically a 'teacher'. I 'teach' Teachers stuff. I do. I'm real smart, that's why my boss picked me. I know so much 'teaching' stuff that my head hurts sometimes from being so full of teaching stuff, and stuff like that, and things. If you're like me, and I bet you are, you probably are as homophobic, that's, 'h-o-m-o-p-h-o-b-i-c', big word of the day boys and girls, pay attention now, as I surely am myself. You don't want "big hairy men" dressed up like woman in your restrooms do you girls? No, me neither, I'm pretty sure not. Yeah, fairly sure anyway. Did I mention that I'm real smart, and that I know how to teach things, and stuff like that, you know, smart stuff, to people who don't know as much stuff as I do? I really like being smart, don't you Ben? Hey, I know what, let's go practice our ABC's and numbers, Ben! Let' find out what LGBT is. 'Whoaa! you're way way ahead of me there Betsy! Really,, no kiddin. Really.' ;)g!

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While Trump grabs headlines, his Cabinet members quietly use transphobia to shore up white evangelical support