Saturday, April 29, 2017

‘Solidarity’ ??

Wrong! Women who wear hijab are doing so, whether they know it or will admit to knowing it or not, because a MAN made that 'rule' for women to 'follow'. It's not about 'religion', it's about a 'mans' power over 'women'. You might have noticed that there's no 'rule' that requires MEN to subscribe to the same 'rules' that their Women must follow? "Solidarity"?? For the subjugation of Women in the name of 'religion'? Really!? Wake up Women! :/

Wake Up Women!

Here's a clue for you. MEN made the 'rule' that their Women, their Property, must wear the hijab. They did Not make the rule apply to Men, only Women. This along with many other repressive, and dehumanizing 'religious' rules that Women must follow, but which Men who make the rules are exempt from. No, not another single soul should wear a hijab to 'see what her life is like'. SHE should remove that oppressive cloth so that She can see what it's like to live free of 'religious' oppression and Sharia violence against Women! :/

'Just Don't Do It!'

'Don't Do It!'

'OMG! Folks, I'm telling you just don't do it! Do you have 'any' idea about what great 'power' of the great 'almighty' you are dealing with here!? Do you?? And that's just Trump, not counting God Almighty's power! Would anyone in their right and sane mind even Dare oppose my godly hero Mr. Trump? If you oppose 'him' then in effect you also oppose God. If you oppose God almighty the savior of this sinful world, then you are doing the devils work! If you're busy doing the work, then you better look both ways before you cross that sin filled street because your days are numbered in the retribution book of Jesus. And don't even 'expect' to meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates of heaven! Did you know there's a 'real' hell? Oh yeah! It's as real as the virgin angels in heaven, which by the way, you'll not be supping with because you will be burning for all eternity in the damnation of hell and brimstone! Vengeance is 'mine', sayeth the Don, and the Lord Jesus Christ. So now run along and say your prayers, and don't forget to tith on Sunday, and remember a little contribution for myself, and a little for Mr. Trump so that we can continue to save your sinful butts from your clue less selves!' ;) ;)

Pat Robertson explains that those opposing Trump are really fighting against God.

'Mission Control To Space Lab..'

'Mission Control To Space Lab..'

'Mission Control to Space lab, come in, over.
Space lab here, Mission Control, we read you loud and clear, over.
Ah, Space lab, we have a little, seemingly, 'insignificant' issue that has come up 'unexpectantly', just a little 'something' that you need to work with us on.
Hey, no problem Mission Control, what can we do for you? Are you finally sending us a supply of 'T.P.'??
Well, no actually, it's about those dated 'space suits' you guys are wearing, you 'know' those snappy, 'new' in 1981, you know the space suit to end all space suits, that we've been repairing, patching, sewing up, replacing parts, washing out, you know, 'those' suits.
Sure Mission Control, what about them?
Well, Space Lab, as you 'know', 'someone' has totally 'forgotton', since 1981 actually, to manufacture even one spare suit for you guys to wear up there in that hostile outter space environment. Haha, how about that! And of course since then, we've just been sending them out for repairs to the local upholstery shop never imagining that now, 36 short years later, that we might in our wildest dreams, need a 'spare' one, or even a newer model. Crazy how time flies huh? Well, now it appears that we have some new astronauts that want to, well, be 'astronauts' and do a little outter space stuff, sorta like you guys are doing right now.
Go ahead Mission Control, we read you loud and clear, sounded like you were stuttering for a moment there. Something about running out of spacesuits? No problem up 'here', we have 'ours'!
That's right Space Lab, we ran clean out of'em! Ain't that a hoot! We've looked everywhere for one! And I mean Everywhere! We could get some from China but all theirs comes in a size 'small'. Russia's not talking to us any more, what with that nasty Putin/Trump 'divorce' thing, so we've come up with plan 'B'.
What's plan 'B', Mission Control?
Ok, we need everyone up there to Fed-X, Overnight, 'your' suits to Mission Control, right away! Don't worry, we'll pay the freight charges. Now, we know you'll be floating around in your skivies and all that, and you'll have to keep the doors, and windows closed, and the blinds pulled, but this is just 'temporary' until we can figure out who made the original suits, and see if they remember how to make them in the second place. They may have actually gone out of business, probably because we weren't exactly keeping them gainfully employed, but 'trust' us, we'll find some way, some time, some where, some money, to make one or two new suits for you to 'share' with one another up there. You 'know' we're 'always' looking out for your wellfare. So 'trust' us on this. In the meantime, keep up the good work, and send us a few pics once in a while. Well,looks like it's nearly 'closing' time guys, what with the new budget cuts we have to close here at 4pm, so if you have any problems, or just want to chat, just call and leave a message, and 'someone' will get back with you in the morning after 10am, or during the day at least, or with-in 48 hours at the most. Gotta run now, don't miss the Fed-X shuttle this evening!' ;)

One astronaut nearly drowned in space.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

'Important' White House Meeting

'Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, thank you for coming on such short notice to this incredibly 'important' meeting. I awoke at my usual 'tweeting' time this morning and I looked over at my pal Stevie, and I said, 'Stevie, wake up man-bro, there's work to be done. Bigly. Now roll over here and fix my hair, and lets call for a really big meeting. Huge. Biggest ever, invite everyone!'
So, the first thing I'd like to talk about, but actually know very little about, so I won't,... is that pesky North Korea thing. Just who does that fat little dough-boy, what's his name, think he is?
The other thing I'd like to talk about is White House 'leaks'. So, if anyone needs to take a quick 'leak', the 'John' is down the hall, 2nd door on the right. Ladies, ya gotta share.
Another thing I'd like to 'clear up', is the 'air' in the White House. How about someone gearing up a committee to figure out why the 'air' is so foul since I 'moved' in. Terrible! Disgusting.
Oh, how about you guys up front here move back a few rows so that my Republican Press Corps can get up closer to take some 'candid' shots of me pretending that I know what I'm doing, and of course, you don't, and like myself, never will.
The most important thing I'd like to cover, besides my Russian loving arse, is that, did you know that I won the 'Electorial College' vote by a huge landslide? Hugely, bigly. Greatest numbers in history. Best money I ever spent! Did anyone bring do-nuts and coffee?
Ok, that about does it for today folks. Remember, I 'own' you, you are at my beck and call 24/7, so stay close to your phones. I'm sure you don't have any questions, and I'm sure that I have explained everything in detail, so get out of my sight, and continue to be good 'Trum-Pet puppetts'. :/

See More
Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea.

Celebrate 'Rebellion'??

(Remarks in parenthesis ( ) are Mine)BuddyBlack.

 1) The South was deeply divided and the N.C. mountains and Piedmont were particularly pro-Union.

(Except, that it matters little whether it "was deeply divided", or not. Many North Carolinians died for the 'wrong' cause, and many died helping to end Slavery, and the illegal rebellion.)

2) Lincoln and Davis were really unpopular presidents f...or their own respective sides.

 (Except that Lincoln was on the 'correct' side of the issue. Davis was for continuing the enslavement of Human Beings so that the Southern Slave holding states could survive.)

3) Many different ethnicities fought for the Confederacy for different reasons, including Irish, Scots-Irish, Africans (both slave and free), Jews, Cherokees, Seminoles and Tejanos.

 (Except ,that most people were un-deducated, poor, and ignorant of world issues, let alone states issues, along with slavery issues. And of 'course' they would be of many "ethnicities", how could they not have been? Unfortunately, most had no clue as to what the 'real' reasons for the war intailed.)

 4) The South did fight for states’ rights, but unfortunately the right to keep slavery was one of them. 

 (Except, that "the right to keep slavery" was the main factor that led the Slaveholding States to rebel. Without human bondage, cotton could never have been 'king', southern agriculture could never have thrived. The southern economy lived off the backs of Slaves, who lived, and died, for nearly 245 years, toiling in the fields, and factories under the gun of Slave Owners until abolished in 1865. "States Rights" had very little except as a paltry 'excuse', to do with the rebellion. It was about their 'rights' of 'Owning' Slaves. A 'rose' called by any other name is still a 'rose'.)

5) The Confederate government was more concerned about the privileges of the planter elite than the rights and woes of the common farmer.

 (Except, "The Confederate government was more concerned" with the continuation of the practice of 'Slavery', without which the Slave holding states would perish for lack of 'field hands', and 'factory workers'. The "planter elite" grew the cotton that floated the economy of the Slave holding states, and so of 'course' the rebel leaders were concerned about their viability, without whom the rebellion would fold for lack of funds.)

6) Both the North and South committed atrocities. I will neither glorify nor demonize the South or the North, but I will remember all those who lived, fought, suffered and died in the American Civil War, both soldier and civilian, slave and free, Southerner and Northerner.

 (Except that their would have been no "North and South committed atrocities" had it not been for the unforgiviable institution of Slavery in the first place, and had the rebellion states not rebelled in the second place thereby causing a civil war where hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly perished. Yes, all who "suffered, and died", 'should' be "remembered", but there should be Nothing on the rebellion side that should be "celebrated". The "celebration" is that this 'war' helped end Slavery, the 'Owning' of another human being, the illegal bondage of another person uprooted from their Mother Land, kidnapped, and forced in chains to come to a foriegn land where for 245 years they, and their decendants lived, and died, as the 'property' of another human being who believed that the 'right' thing to do, was to 'own' another human being.)

Another Trump 'Smokescreen'

This is simply a B.S. smokescreen that Trump and his puppets will use to do what they are planning to do in the first place, which is defund 'protection' of our National Monument/Parks, so that they can 'sell them off' to Mining, Oil, Gas, Logging, and Cattle industries. With this little 'trick' he can come back and say, 'see, no one even uses these parks, no one cares about them, why should we sp...end money on them when 'we' can be 'making' money 'from' them'.
Trump, the deconstructionist, will not stop until he has given away all of our Public lands to his billonaire industrial friends.
This is what a Nation, and the World in general, gets when it stupidly elects a clueless, billonaire 'businessman' as its 'leader'.
He sees America as his personal money making 'business', his personal ATM machine, that he and his friends can exploit all the way to the bank! He couldn't care less about the damage he is, and will continue to do to our lands, and environment.

"Smog Eating 'Forest City'"

Yeah, Right! Wouldn't you think that 'first' they would get a handle on what's 'causing' their SMOG in the first place? But, instead, they'll just keep on fornicating, making a few billion more smog makers, and 'maybe' 'think' about making something to 'eat' their smog, instead of stopping it in the first place. More people = more need for transportation devices = more polluting devices = more SMOG. More Industry to support more people - pollution control devices = more pollution = more SMOG. Is Trump 'secretly' running China? Stupid!

The 'sound' Of Freedom

What!??? They "train" at night!? WTH! Training at 'Night'? How do they do that? At night? Isn't it 'dark' at night? How do they do that? They must be bumping into each other! Do they have big flashlights taped on the nose of their airplanes? That explains the old, 'things that go bump in the night' thingie. I bet they're up to 'something'. Hmmm... Trump could 'explain' this very 'clearly' for us. Training at night....hmmmm...nothing good can come of this..quick, everyone head for your 'bug-out' caves until this is over. Sneaky, sneaky, under the cover of darkness stuff.

Residents around Nellis Air Force Base have recently noticed more noise than usual at night. The night flights are part of a training exercise called Neptune Falcon, which will run through 6 a.m. May 4.
Click for more

Trumps "Alternative Reality"

When he says, "return conrol to the people", he's not 'talking' about 'You and I, "the people"', he's talking about opening the land that's protected right now, to Corporate America' so that it can be 'developed' by the 'Energy Industry', uncontrolled logging, private ranchers, and housing developers. This is his 'idea' of "making America great again", by deconstructing America to fit his 'business ideals'. A fool and his environment, are soon parted. :/

Saturday, April 22, 2017

!Breaking 'News'! 'News' Alert! 'Active' Shooter Alert!

!Breaking 'News'! 'News' Alert! 'Active' Shooter Alert!

Breaking 'News', brought straight to you by 'BBSN' (BuddyBlack'sSatiricalNews), the 'News' source you can always 'trust', right from the scene of an 'accidental' shOOting incident happening right now in 'BullsEye', Texas.

Let's take you right to the scene where our always 'Johnny-on-the-spot' 'news' guy, BuddyBlack, has the latest 'news' on a horrific, yet not un-common shooting incident.

Yes, good evening folks. I'm here in 'BullsEye',Texas, now also known as the 'gunslinger' state since recent NRA sponsored legislation was passed that allows everyone with even a slightly recordable heart beat to carry their favorite firearm sans a permit.
Totally, and by fortuitous coincidence, I just happen to have been in the check-out line of the states largest foodchain, 'FoodScrapes R Totally Us', where just moments ago I actually witnessed, and survived, a horrific, terrifying shoot-out that would rival the incident at the 'OK Corral', inside this very grocery store.
There I was folks, minding my own business, thinking of nothing in particular, when of a sudden a deafening shot rang out only three isles to my right! That shot was quickly followed by a seemingly endless volley of more shots that rang out through-out the store. Bullets were indiscriminately tearing through merchandise and shoppers alike, bullets that seemed destined to find more living targets than not, and did.
Then, all was quiet but for the moaning, and wailing of the wounded, and crying of those victims still living. The sweet, acrid smell of burnt gunpowder wafted across the isles, and a blue haze hung in the air like morning fog.
Almost as quickly, the store was flooded with frantic, yet determined police officers, guns drawn, intent on capturing the 'bad guys' who perpetrated this ghastly bloody event. Then, more shots rang out which reverberated through-out the store, this time emitting from the officers guns as the officers encountered numerous, and to 'them' what 'appeared' to be 'bad guys' with guns still in hand through-out the store. According to a police spokesman, the current count of those shot during the initial incident is approximately twenty-three, with an additional six shot as a result of police gunfire, with what right now stands at about nine confirmed as deceased. The toll will no doubt go higher as the scene has not been totally cleared yet.
What a horrible sight folks! Sometimes when we hear news of someone 'wounded' by gunfire, we think of not much more than a little hole that a band-aide will fix, or maybe just a 'wing' shot. But let me put that notion to sleep once and for all folks! Bullets are simply missiles straight from hell! I saw shredded, and severed limbs, bodies blown open with guts laying on the floor, heads exploded, and brains scattered about like mush. Women, and children dead, and dying! The term 'wounded by gunfire' takes on a whole new 'meaning' when seen in real 'life and death' incidents. There's no such thing as a John Wayne 'fleshwound' from 'real' bullets! The NRA claims that "Guns do not 'kill' people", but 'Bullets' certainly do!
I have just now spoken with my source who tells me the following; It appears that initially, a happy gun totting customer accidentally dropped his pistol while retrieving his wallet in the check-out line, the pistol discharged upon hitting the floor, the bullet of which struck the customer in front of this particular gun totter. As he picked up his gun, the wounded customer, who thought this was a 'robbery' in progress, drew his Own gun firing at the owner of that gun striking a customer behind him. This initiated even more customers to draw their own guns who began firing at anyone else holding a gun that they suspected of being a 'bad guy'. Then, when the police arrived, they not then knowing the circumstances of the initial shooting, they encountered numerous individuals with guns in hand, and whom the police could only suppose were 'bad guys' with guns, in a still fluid situation, where-upon in defence of themselves, and to rescue innocent victims, they took immediate lethal action to end threats posed by these armed and dangerous, seemingly 'bad guys' with guns, which inadvertently added to the carnage, and casualty toll.
This was a horrible, and avoidable, and totally senseless tragedy that certainly won't be the last, in our newly expanded gun loving, gun totting society where the NRA is firmly in control of Congress, and of misguided Republicans across America who have convinced otherwise sane Americans that the best way to 'stop a good guy with a gun, is a 'good guy' with a gun'. :/ :/

So, you’re a good guy with a gun. I get it. I’ve seen the bumper sticker, heard the slogan a million times, and I even used to be one of you. I’m retired military, was an expert marksman, and was even awarded the Bronze Schützenschnur by the German army.|By Benjamin L. Corey

Thursday, April 20, 2017

'Anarchists Criminals'

These fools are Anarchists who couldn't give a poop less about who the sitting President happens to. Their agenda is simply to create mayhem, and violence to further their destructive cause. They might 'live' in America, but they are Not 'Americans' who's driving interest is the betterment of America. Trump brought these idiots out of the rat holes they live in, and gave them 'voice' during his campaign of hate filled rhetoric.

'Brain Dead'

Hmmmm...what 'possibly' could go wrong with this brain dead proposal?

'In More Ways Than One'

It took a "new study" to find "that threats made with a firearm can worsen PTSD symptoms of domestic violence victims"??? Really? A "firearm" pointed at ones head can "worsen PTSD symptons"? How about having a "firearm" simply 'pointed' at ones head can 'cause' "PTSD symtons!? Of Course it can! Of Course it Does! Firearms just have that particular affect on a persons brain, whether it goes Off, or Not!! Guns don't have to 'shoot' you to 'kill' you.

'Gun Insanity!'

It's worse than simply 'insane'. It's an indictment of Americas insane love affair with an instrument of death, that Trump, with his hate filled, paranoid, conspiratorial rhetoric, fueled by the NRA, and their Republican minions, has opened Pandoras Box that as long as this 'love fest' feeds upon itself, can never be closed again. Otherwise 'sane' Americans have allowed hate, and fear mongers conv...ince them that Americans cannot possibly exist without a gun in hand. When there are no laws, the lawless will rule. We cannot be a free Nation when we allow fear to be our ruler. Guns will not make us 'free', nor safer no matter how many guns we are able to carry. The NRA, and the Gun Industry and their stock holders could not care less about the possible repercussions of the flood of Firearms across America, they are in it solely for the $$profit$$ that they will realize from increased gun sales to paranoid Americans. Nothing good can come of this insanity.

'To Your 'Battle' Stations!'

They have just in the last few minutes, discovered that there's an Unattended, apparently the 'Alien' terrorist operator was swept overboard during a 'comet storm', 250hp outboard motor at full throttle on the back of that thing, and it's headed for a very splashy landing in Lake Erie. Quickly, everyone grab a bucket, sump pump, dippers, whatever, and head for Lake Erie! We must thwarte this thing, and the only way to save ourselves, and the lake, is to drain it dry! No water, no big splash. I, myself, would love to help but I have cornbread in the oven, so I'm sending my Border Collie to supervise the work. All is well. ;)

The 'Fungus' AmongUs

He has also 'discovered' that broken Bones are caused by too much humidity with-in the body, and can be healed by simply hitting the bone with a ball peen hammer.

Breaking 'News'!!! 'News Alert!!

Breaking 'News'! 'News' Alert!

Brought straight to you from 'BBSN' (BuddyBlack'sSatiricalNews)

It has been 'determined' by the 'Salt' Industry, that H2-0 (Water), you 'know', that antiquated stuff we all take a bath in, that wet, slippery stuff we have historically swilled to quinch our 'thirst' with, is 'not' the majic thirst quincher after all! Nope! For eons we have simply been bamboozled by that over rated 'Water' Industry into believing that 'water' is the best thing to drink when one... is hot, and thirsty, and 'dry'. Well, thanks to the ever diligent 'Salt' industry, and their never ending struggle to get 'upmanship' over that silly over rated H2-0 stuff, we can stop our quest for quinch.
Our 'friends' at the 'Salt' industry have 'positivily', and 'without' scientific question, not to count in a totally un-biased manner, determined that 'water', not 'salt' actually makes one thirsty. According to them, 'salt' does 'not' make one thirsty at all! However, it will make you hungry as a post winter bear!
Studies of three groups of volunteers, one group that subsisted solely on salt alone, one group that subsisted solely on H2-0, and the third group that subsisted on 'un-marked' (blind study) items that may or may not have contained either salt or H2-0. The 'salt' group was allowed to have Tequila chasers. The H2-0 group were allowed salt free fries and burger chasers. The 'blind group' was sent home on a 'call-in' basis.
At the end of the two week study it was 'determined that the 'salt' group became very intoxicated and extremely hungry, yet seldom 'thirsty'. The H2-0 group became sick of fries and burgers, threw-up a lot and had to drink copious amounts of Pedialyte to replace lost fluids. The 'blind group' was never heard from after sending them home on their own.
As can be 'seen' from the results of this 'scientific' study, 'salt' does 'indeed' make one 'hungry'. H2-0 does indeed make one long for Pedialyte, an 'obvious' indication of 'thirst'.

Tune in next time when 'BBSN' will bring you the results of another, and un-related, study on the effects that large caliber bullets, as opposed to 'Alternative Facts', may or may not have on the human brain. ;)

See More
These pretzels are making me…hungry?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

'Who's On First, Who's In Charge?'

'Who's On First, Who's In Charge?'

'Rinnng,Rinnng,Rinnnnng......'Hello, you have reached the voice mail of Rear Admiral Jim Kilby (JK) the Skipper of the USS Carl Vinson. Unfortunately, due to inept leadership, too many chiefs, and budget cuts, I'll be away from my 'desk' until further notice. If you need immediate assistance, hang up the phone and dial 911.'
Ah, 'James', this is your President (Pres) calling, you know, President Trump? You better pick that phone up before I learn to count to three, or you're gonna be in bigly trouble son! By the way, did you hear that I won the 'Electorial' vote by huge numbers? I'm the 'man'!
JK: Oh, hello Mr.President. Sorry about that answer machine thing. Your 'boss' President in Waiting Bannon instructed me to not answer any crank calls until further orders, so I was just sitting here watching 'Dynasty' on my 'big screen'. Great show! I bet you watch it all the time. So, Mr.President, what can I do for you today?
Pres: James, I was just now watching my 'news' source, Fox News, great people, very 'reliable', and there's this crazy conspiracy story going around about our 'missing fleet'. What's with that? Are we actually 'missing' some boats or something?
JK: Ah, just let me do a quick count...negatory Sir, Got'tem all right here. All present and accounted for!
Pres: 'know', Fox News has 'never' steered me wrong James. Very 'trustworthy'! Always spot on with the "Alternative' truth. Not like those Other fake news places. There's gotta be some 'truth' to this story that has the whole world poking fun at America. Is it just 'Me', or is there more to this missing fleet thing? What am 'I' missing here James?
JK: Mr. President, I think I can answer most of your questions.
Pres: Ok, James, where are you?
JK: You mean 'right now'?
Pres: Yes James, right Now.
JK: I'm sorry Sir, that's classified information. Before I can devulge that sensitive info, you must have clearence to 'hear' that info, Sir.
Pres: James, this is your President! You can tell Me! No one has a higher 'clearence' than the President! Don't make me start 'counting'!
JK: Sorry Sir, I have my orders from your 'boss'.
Pres: My 'boss'!?? What 'boss'!? I don't have a boss! I Am my 'boss'! I just happen to 'own' America now, and everything in it! And you're In it James!
JK: Oh, sorry about that Mr. President. My 'orders' come straight from your 'boss', Mr.Bannon, The 'President in waiting'. You'll have to get the password from him. Then, get the Other password from your daughter, then the one from your son-in-law. As soon as you have those passwords, be sure to write them down with the 'Invisable Prsidential Ink' on edible paper, then get the phone number, from your 'boss', of my 'Red' phone. Then call my 'Red' phone, let it ring six times, then hang up and call back letting it ring three times, then call back and I'll pick up on the second ring. Can't be too careful what with the Ruskies monitoring your phones and all that.
Pres: Grrrr! I'll call you back.
Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring..Click!
Ring, ring, ring..Click!
Ring, ring...'Hello, you have reached the voice mail..Oh, hello, Mr.President?
Pres: Ok, James. They all had the same 'password', and the password is; 'Imanahole'.
James: Yes, Mr.President, I agree, that Is Your 'password'. Now what can I do for you?
Pres: Where Are you James?
JK: I am aboard my ship Sir.
Pres: No, James, where is your 'ship'. Your 'ship', the 'fleet', where is it right Now?
JK: Ohhhh...that. Well, I can see San Diago from here. So it looks like we are right here in California. Hang on a sec, and I'll check my maps, but,.... yep, that's where we are all right. Looks like we're not 'missing' afterall.
Pres: But why aren't you off the coast of our mortal enemy, North Korea? You know, that fat little dough-boy guy! You are supposed to be There intiminating that part of the world! Why are you in San Diago!?? Disgusting place! Horrible!
JK: Well Sir. It's sorta like this. Apparently, because of your 'carpet bombing' budget cuts all across America, our 'Missile', and 'bomb' contractors couldn't come through with the muntions necessary to carry out even a 'small' war. And, get this, some of the componants are made in China, well, they decided to do a 'work slowdown', which just added to our lack of bomby things. Then, the Coast Guard decided to conduct a 'safety' inspection of my carrier, they are P.O.'d about 'their' budget cuts by the way, and found that we don't have enough personal 'floatation' devices to go around, and because the manufacturer of those things is located in Mexico, they can't ship them across the border any more. So we're sorta 'landlocked' right now. Ever been to San Diago Sir? Great place! Your 'boss' said that he's checking with his 'friends' in Russia for the things we need to operate properaly with. So you see Sir, your 'Fleet' isn't exactly 'missing' afterall. It's simply 'missing' stuff, most of all, coherant direction, and a 'one voice' leadership. 'Click!' Mr.President..Mr. President? Are you still there? Hellooooo..Mr. President.....'. ;) ;)

U.S. admiral says carrier strike group will provide a “visible maritime deterrence.”|By Emily Rauhala

Friday, April 14, 2017

'Ka-Boom! Goodbye Boys.

So what! Big deal. Even if the CIA 'did' have a hand at building these tunnels/cave or whatever. And, did they 'really'? All we have to go on is this posting which may or may not be totally accurate, if 'true' at all. And whoopie-do, so what if ben laden drove a bulldozer across the mountains, if he 'did' at all. Totally non-'news'. If terrorists were using them as a base of operations, Ka-Boom, goodbye boys.

'French History Scrubber'

'French History Scrubber'

'What!? How many? Oh. Only Thirteen Thousand? Is that all? Well, that's not very 'many' now is it? That's like a small village in comparison. Hmmm, sounds like a vast 'over-exageration' to me. Well, let me be perfectly 'clear' about this 'alleged' non-event that I am 'certain' did not occur on French soil. There were no "Nazis death camps' in France. Neither France, nor... any French citizen ever killed not even one single Jew on 'French soil', during the Second World War. France was 'not' responsible for, nor 'participated' in the so-called Holocaust. 'Really'.
'If', as some 'allege', 13,000 Jewish men, women and children were rounded up by French police on July 16th, 1942, and taken to the Vélodrome d’Hiver cycling race track, for deportation to Nazi death camps", well, that's 'news' to me..sounds like something my friend President Trump would tweet.
“If someone was responsible, it was those un-French Vichy who were in power at the time, which is not France,” Yeah, so 'who ever' was in charge of France at that time could not have been French. That sort of alleged thing would 'never' happen in our enlightened country, especially by Frenchmen.
“like Charles de Gaulle and Francois Mitterrand. I consider that France and the Republic were in London during the occupation, and that the [collaborationist] Vichy regime was not France”. And of course the 'French Police' were not 'Frenchmen' at all, I have been told that none of them even 'spoke' the French language. As far as the alleged 'deportation' of that 'supposed' number of Jews to 'Nazis death camps', I was told by my father that 'if' this happened at all, those 'refugees' were simply taken to a pleasant 'hostel' in Germany where they resided in great comfort until the end of the war, and then were given train tickets to destinations of their own choice, although most all of them 'chose' to have their ashes strewn over the grounds of their beloved 'hostel' after they had lived a 'full', and rewarding life there.
“France has been abused in the minds of people for years. We taught our children that they had every reason to criticise, to see only the darkest historic aspects. I want them to be proud of being French again.” And the only way to achieve that is to totally ignore, deny, and rewrite French history, starting at a time, oh, say...., right around 'July 16th, 1942' to present time. And then when, and I certainly will be, I am elected by the majority of like minded proud French 'deniers', to be their proud 'leader', I will quickly, faster than you can say 'french toast', wipe the history slate clean of all things that would remind us, and the world in general, of any association with, and festering feelings of supposed 'guilt', of this little non-sequential, alleged 'Holocaust' connection to the good, and honorable name of France. Longue vie à la France! (Long live france) Histoire en francais en direct! (Short Live France History).
So, remember my fellow 'history scrubbing partisan's', a vote for me, is a vote for 'French History', you know, like starting today.'

Trump 'Saved' NATO!

'Yeah, you see, before I became the so-called 'Leader' of the 'free' world it actually Was bigly "obsolete". In fact, it was so "obsolete" that I even mentioned it as such. Many times. Told the 'truth'. And Then, Every single Amercan who knew how to vote, voted me in as their 'leader', well, not just 'leader', but 'Royal Leader extraordinaire'. If something is 'broken', you know, sorta like Americ...a, the minute I 'touch' it, it becomes whole, and viable again. Just like That! And so it was with NATO. That sorry used-to-be President Obama broke the heck out of it. Great guy. Really 'respect' him. I saw that. I did. And I said, 'you know what', I'm gonna fix it, and people will love me, and respect me for doing a great thing. And so that's what I did. Now, NATO is non-"obsolete". And I did it all by myself, single handidly, with nobody's help. I am one great guy! Wonderful! Fabulous.