Wednesday, May 2, 2018

'Teflon Don'

'These illegal questions about a non-existent thing is "So disgraceful"! Horrible! Disgusting! And now look, everyone will know what that Mueller guy wants to ask me! Who does this!?? Is that guy really from America? Is he really allowed to ask me, the President of America, questions that are none of his business? I'm he President for crying out loud! I'm above the laws that govern normal people! I'm un-touchable! I'm the new 'Teflon Don'! I make the 'rules of law' that apply to only me! And now, Mr. Disgusting, has illegally "leaked classified information"! What a traitor! That guy should be locked up with his pal Hillary! Un-American leaker! Did you read some of those illegal questions? There's not one mention of the brand of tanning bed I use! Not once did he ask about my top rated made for TV reality show! Not once!! Great numbers folks! I should get an Oscar, not a subpoena! Hey bright boy, here's the questions that I have authorized my herd of top notch lawyers, who by the way, I never listen to, to submit that can be asked of me;

Do you use a brush or a comb in your beautiful hair?
Which do you like most, puppies dogs, or "pussy" cats?
Would you rather "grab a pussy", or "grab" a puppy?
If your "pussy" cat tried to run away, where would you "grab" it first?
How Far can you knock a golf ball?
Have you ever told a lie?
What does "we'll have to see", really mean?
Who gets 'fired' next?
Have you ever thought about 'pardoning' yourself?
Have you ever found the "five million illegals" that voted for Hillary?
What exactly does a "witch" look like?
Are you the best President ever?

So, yeah, those are 'some' of the questions that I will 'allow' disgusting Mueller to ask of me. Of course, I don't really have to answer any of them if I don't want to. I can only be held accountable if I don't tell the 'truth', something of which I have a whole different take on than 'normal' people do. It's just an illegal "witch hunt" folks, nothing to see here, move along, move along.'

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“So disgraceful that the questions concerning the Russian Witch Hunt were “leaked” to the media. No questions on Collusion. Oh, I have a made up, phony crime, Collusion, that never existed, and an investigation begun with illegally leaked classified information. Nice!”

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