Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stand Back, And "No one Gets Hurt"

'Remember, "no one gets hurt in a tariff war". Remember when I said that? Remember when I said," wars aren't so bad," remember when I said, " wars are good, and easy to win,” yeah, sure, I've said a lot of crazy crap like that. And you know what? I actually 'believe' everything that splatters from my entitled mouth. But seriously folks, if you remember anything at all, remember this; everything that splatters across my serial lying lips, is a fabricated lie. My ears just love to hear my lips smacking against one another. I'm the best, I tell ya! Incredible! Un-believeable! Literally! Huge numbers! Actually, I have absolutely no idea what the hell I'm doing. No idea. Zilch. Nothing of a substantial nature ever enters my bat crap filled belfray. Nothing. Nada. No clue. Helpless. Hopeless. Brainless. Look, I was a sorry 'businessman' in the first place. Always in debt up to my anus, always one bank loan ahead of another bankruptcy, one shyster deal after another, screwing, sometimes literally, if you get the drift, everyone I ever dealt with, or had an illicit affair with. I am totally, a morally banckrupt individual who would sell a close relative, or two, to the highest bidder if it meant increasing my 'brand' rating. Hey, I do it to my 'friends' all the time! But hey, that's just me. My ever faithful 'base' of certified, card carrying dolts, have no idea as to just how suckered into my web of deciet, they have become. They simply see themselves in my every word, in my every racist comment, my every lie, my every salacious thought, my every dark, subtle conspiracy theory. They are 'me', I am 'them', we are 'one', and they will follow, adore, and pray for me every sickening step that I take in my driven goal of singlehandedly destroying the very moral fabric of America, and the world as a whole, and you know what, they wont even notice what I've done until it's too late. And no one can stop me, because I am un-touchable, un-approachable, un-mitigated, above the 'Law of The Land', but, that's just 'me', and "that's why I'm President, and you're not". I'm 'smarter' than a third grader! And, they ain't "seen nothing yet", and if I've ever told the 'truth' about Anything, you better believe that I'm telling it right now! .'

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About this article
President Trump is expected to impose steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada, Mexico and the European Union on Thursday, a senior administration official confirmed to CNN.

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