Tuesday, May 29, 2018

They 'Vote' Here???

'Awwww..man! WTF just happened!? We didn't know they could 'vote' over here! Doggone it all, we moved here, gave up everything we had just so we could move to where 'life' has 'always' been sacred, where forever, and ever they have always cherished 'live and let live', you know, like the religious wars of 1614, the war between the Catholics-Protestants in 1641-52, and again in 1689-91 where thousands of religious loving people killed one another over 'religion', then the Rebellion of 1801, followed by the Easter Rising of 1916, followed by the Irish War of Independence of 1922, again over religious 'freedom' and 'pro-life', and followed by the Troubles in the late 1960's where the bombings and 'kneecapping' of innocent people was the rage, but hey, who's keeping score of the murders and such from people who feel that 'life' is so sacred, and especially that 'pro-life' thing that just gets our blood boiling like the dickens. Looks like they are just going to revert right back to 'them against us', Catholics v Protestants all over again! Is there no safe haven for us ultra 'religious' fanatics? Again, all over 'religion', and about who's right, and who's wrong. Looks like my bro and I are gonna have to find some place else to set up shop, maybe South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, I don't know, maybe on the White House lawn. Stupid 'voters' anyway! How dare they use 'democratic' means to ruin our 'pro-life' life!'

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The two brothers from Washington state sound a lot like Trump when explaining why their side lost the popular vote

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