Wednesday, May 30, 2018

"We'll See, We'll See"

Doggone it all! Look at what I've done! Why'd I ever hire that little beady eyed weasel in the first place!? I should'a known he wasn't gonna be a 'team player'! He just has no moral fiber left in that skinny, little, old man carcass of his! Why can't he be more like Me!? It's not all that difficult to be me. Hell, if I can do it, then a slug like Sessions can do it. Should'a fired him a long time ago! Disgusting little bridge troll! And that squeaky, female rodent voice of his! Drives me up the wall! What was I 'thinking'? Of course we all know that I don't actually 'think' in the first place, I just jump in with both feet flailing, and yell, 'we'll see, we'll see'.
Trump’s public dissatisfaction with Sessions began when the attorney…

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