Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Can't Get Anything Done!

'Doggone it! That disgusting traitor Mueller wont leave me the hell alone! What's with that guy!? Doesn't he have anything else to do?? Disgusting "witch hunt"! "There was no Collusion (it is a Hoax) and there is no Obstruction of Justice (that is a setup & trap),". And I'll keep saying that untill they kick my incompetent butt out of the White House! Ya got nothing on me buddyboy, nothing, no video, no audio, no credible wittnesses, and the prostitutes don't count either. That's my 'story' and I'm stickin' to it. "But we'll see what happens". "We'll see".
Anyway, I can't get anything 'Presidential' done around this drabby, shabby White House! I tell you, that guy is interfering with my 'Presidential duties'! If I have to, I'll sue his cheap Manhatten pants right off his cheap traitor butt! 'Interference With The President' is a major crime in my mind. Major! If there's not a law against it, I'll make one! Traitor, leaker of top secret questions! Here I am trying to, that is, America, save the whole world from other less capable dictators, expand my 'brand', threaten friends and enemies alike, and this guy wants to ask me personal questions about stuff that's none of his business! Nobody cares if I broke some stupid law anyway! I'm way too busy trying to make myself famous and I just don't have time to answer foolish questions about foolish things. What I do on the publics dime is nobodys business but my own! Americans picked me to dictate what happens in America no matter what. Leave me alone Mueller, if you know what's good for you! I'm pretty 'sure' I could fire you if I wanted to, just gotta make sure I've made you look bad enough first, and that my narrow minded base is gonna back me up afterwards. I've got more power than you'll ever dream of having! I'm not afraid of you, you, you skinny bully, you! My daddy could beat up your daddy! I wish I could kick sand in your old man face! I'm innocent! I'm innocent I tell you, innocent! I've hardly done anything 'wrong'. Go away, leave me alone! I'm innocent!!!! Really. Really I am. I'm not kidding around here, really.'

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About this article
Arguments over the prospect of Donald Trump testimony shadowed by the prospect of a Robert Mueller subpoena.

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