Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Texass, 'Arm The Teachers'

Texass, still living in the good ol' boy glory days of the wild, wild, west where open carry, gun totting 'good guys' always won out over the open carry, gun totting 'bad guys'. But now, all the gun totters look alike, well, some of them, and you don't know which one is the 'bad guy' until he has already done his deadly deed. Wake up Texass, more guns in the hands of 'good guys', will not stop, or solve the problem of more guns in the hands of 'bad guys', nor will it stop a 'bad guy' who is acting like a 'good guy' until he is ready to be that 'bad guy'. If more guns were the answer, your problem would already be solved. And arming the teachers is not a viable solution. Teachers are there to 'teach', not also to be a combat warrior, nor should they have that burden placed on their heads. It's a sad commentary on America that it has come to this, where our schools have become quasa war zones.
Mental health issues are not properly and quickly being addressed of those who exhibit mental health problems, if noticed at all, irresponsible adults are not securing their firearms as they should, allowing their children, especially those with mental health issues access, and are not being held criminally responsible when their kids go stupid with them, which in turn allows children who lack conflict resolution skills to chose a firearm as their answer to 'solving' conflicts. And then of course you, Dan, have a State that encourages willy nilly open carry for anyone who has the strength to pick up a firearm, proper training or not. This is called 'enabling'. You and your 'boss' are part of the problem Dan! More needs to be done to address these issues, and arming teachers should not be part of it.
As far as the entrance/exit points in schools, it's a no brainer that doors which open outward should be locked at all times so that 'entrance' cannot be gained without a physical key or passcard, but can be opened for exit, from the interior by pushbar. Dan, this is not 'rocket science'. As for the main entrance, yes it should be accessed only by physical key or passcard, and certainly not one that is issued to students or parents. Those main doors/door should be physically monitored by armed Law Enforcement Officers during the times of student arrivals and when students are excused at the end of the school day. Every student should be issued a photo ID card that must stay affixed to the student in some fashion, that card should have a bar code that contains the students particular bio information, and should be swiped through a card reader before entry can be gained. This card should not be able to open any doors. Student Dress codes should be enforced where clothing that could possible conceal weapons banned. At least two other LEO's should be separtely patrolling the school grounds constantly during school hours and during school events. And of course all this costs money, but without it, it can cost lives. This is the 'new' world we live in Dan, budget the money that it will take to get it done, and stop the 'talking head' dance! Wake up those sour pusses 'yes men' standing behind you and make them come up with solutions to get this done. You and they should be working for your salary Dan. Get to work already!And Dan, scrape the "armed teacher" idea, sooner or later, more likely sooner, it will come back and bite your butt off. Wake up Dan Patrick! Just do it Dan. :/

Monday, May 21, 2018

 Arming Teachers Is Not The Answer

A report finds that teachers, principals, officers, and students have fired guns by mistake at least 30 times since 2014.

About this article

Texas GOP Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said after the nation's latest school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, that teachers need guns, parents should secure firearms safely at home,…


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