Monday, May 21, 2018

Crazy As Hell!

This is just crazy as hell!
 Again, 'we shoot, we cry, we reload, and shoot again'. Only in America can this obscenity continue to happen, and only in America does the government continue to "send prayers and thoughts", as if those empty words will help solve the problem, and then they go back to sleep as if nothing happened. 'Prayers' will never stop stupidity! If that were the case, none of these murderous events would occur in the first place. And this one wont be the last one, just as the 'last' one wasn't the 'last' one. Some brain damaged fool is right now thinking, 'what, only ten!?' I hate to predict it but, this, not unlike terrorism around the world, will never end. This is something that will not be fixed anytime soon if ever. The seemingly rampant mentally deranged 'humans' that rub elbows with us on a daily basis can never all be identified before hand, nor stopped even after they become known, and usually only after they have committed their murders. Banning the mentally ill from gun ownership sounds good at first reading, but even a mentally deranged person can figure out how to get their hands on a firearm, and even a mental case can properly fill out an application to purchase a firearm. Likewise, banning, if ever, 'assault' style rifles will be too little too late as there are millions of them in the hands of Americans already. Finding an answer that works seems to be an inponderable. America has 'grown up' in a gun fetish culture that over the years became more and more out of hand, and at last, now out of control. Americans don't need 'enemies', as we are our own worst enemies already, and until Americans collectively decide that enough is enough, we will continue murdering one another without let up. 'We shoot, we cry, we reload, and shoot again, and again, and again, and again, and.....'.

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About this article
Explosive devices found in Santa Fe High School, surrounding area, police say; suspect in custody

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