Monday, May 21, 2018

Oliver North, Still The Class Clown

Oliver North, Still The Class Clown

Oliver North is an idiot that somehow survives even with his head firmly embedded in his own arse!
First lets clear up a few things about Oliver North; "Now I am certainly not a doctor". That's right Oliver, you're Not a "doctor" so stop pretending that you are. "I'm a Marine", actually you are an ex-marine, and a disgraced one at that. You sullied the USMC a long time ago, and now you are hell bent on continuing doing that.
"The disease is youngsters who are steeped in a culture of violence," North said. "They've been drugged in many cases. Nearly all of these perpetrators are male, and they're young teenagers in most cases, and they've come through a culture where violence is commonplace. All we need to do is turn on a TV, go to a movie". While it may be true that these 'action' movies that kids, and this should not be a blanket indictment, are watching, and if what he contends is true, just check out the proliferation of firearms that are used in these horror, action, slaughter movies! These movies are simply gratuitous slaughter by firearms, movies. In other words, take away the firearms from these "culture of violence" movies that Oliver, the sage, alludes to, and all you've got left are Mary Poppins movies on your hands. 'Guns' Oliver, Guns! The very killing machines that you now represent! Got it numbnuts?? They are watching movies where their 'hero's' are slaughtering people with 'firearms'. But does that mean that these movies are responsible for the actions of real life mass killers. Well, I'm not a "doctor" either, but my guess is, not likely. Otherwise, the streets would be running over with teenage mass killers. And of course that's obviously not what's happening Oliver, contrary to your allusions. So, Oliver, for the most part, I think we can safely rule out your "movie", "TV", theory.
"They've been drugged in many cases...they're young teenagers in most cases...these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in Kindergarten". Oliver, while pretending to be the "doctor" he admits he's not, has 'obviously' conducted an in-depth, and thourough investigation into the full lives of each and every one of America's mass shooters in order to determine their actual age, and health issues throughout their tragic lives, so that he can qualify his assertions of "drugged in many cases", and "been on Ritalin since they were in Kindergarten". Or did he? Not! He's just pretending he knows something that he actually knows nothing about.
Oliver is simply continuing the 'brain washing' of America by the NRA, and feeding the gullible NRA members who will believe anything they are told, as long as it comes from an NRA 'spokeperson'.
"The disease is youngsters who are steeped in a culture of violence," North said.
Actually, Oliver, while there are probably 'some' kids, and yes, 'adults', Oliver, that are adversely affected by the "culture of violence" shoot'em-up movies and TV that you so easily allude to, there's surely more to it than your 'made for TV', comment about it. How about 'mental Health' issues for instance, even 'before' they may immerse themselves in, and 'possibly' be influenced in some detrimental way by these movies and TV? Again, our streets are not actually being over run by teenage mass murderers, so there's got to be more to it than just this type, and hype, of media exposure. Undiagnosed mental health issues, missed clues, un-reported incidents, lack of, or improper treatment after discovery. And then of course there's the proliferation, supported by the NRA, of firearms in America. The ease of access, and retention of firearms. Laws, if any, that have no bite, a Congress, and President that support the $$rule$$ of the NRA in all $$things$$ concerning firearms in America, tends to provide for an easy, and deadly outlet for a frustrated person who may very well be suffering from a serious mental health issue. When it comes down to 'mental health' issues, according to the CDC, in 2015 there were 44,193 suicides in america. That's 13.7 per 100,000. How many of those were influenced by TV, Movies, and Ritalin? And, 22,018 of those were due to the use of a firearm on themselves. The fact is, is that 44,193 of these people, including those of suicide by firearm, did not go on a mass killing spree. Of course there's more to this problem than even all of the aforementioned possibilities, and, it's certainly much deeper than Oliver Norths simple minded, made for TV assertion about the cause of these mass slaughters that America is suffering from. Oliver, get your brain damaged head out of your NRA crowded arse!

NRA points to violent culture, Ritalin

Oliver North, the National Rifle Association's incoming president, denied on "Fox News Sunday" that the Second Amendment was at the root of the frequent school shootings and pointed in part to television and the drug Ritalin.
"The disease is youngsters who are steeped in a culture of violence," North said.
He continued, "They've been drugged in many cases. Nearly all of these perpetrators are male, and they're young teenagers in most cases, and they've come through a culture where violence is commonplace. All we need to do is turn on a TV, go to a movie Nearly all of these perpetrators are male, and they're young teenagers in most cases, and they've come through a culture where violence is commonplace. All we need to do is turn on a TV, go to a movie. If you look at what has happened to the young people, many of these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in Kindergarten. Now I am certainly not a doctor. I'm a Marine.
Mark Kelly, a gun control advocate, said in a separate interview on "Fox News Sunday" that Texas could pass legislation requiring parents to lock up their firearms and said he also supported hardening schools against attacks.
"Figure out a way to prevent people coming in the door with a firearm," said Kelly, whose wife, former Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabby Giffords, survived an assassination attempt in 2011. "At the same time, make sure that that irresponsible person can't get the gun in the first place."
CNN's Kate Sullivan contributed to this report.

The National Rifle Association’s new president, Oliver North, deflected attention off guns and onto medication in the wake of the latest school shooting.

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