Friday, June 1, 2018

Hey, It was A "motherf---ing" Joke, Really.

'Oh, please, please, please, like "forty motherf-----s", please let me make "amends", you know, like I'm really, really, truly, sincerely, from the bottom of my little racist heart, sorry. And believe you me, this is not a 'joke' this time. Seriously guys, I really am 'sorry', literally, and figuratively, 'sorry'. I've always been pretty 'sorry', in more ways than one. I'm like, 'sorry' 24/7, even when I'm taking that disgusting 'Ambien', which makes me even more 'sorry', which in turn makes me say disgusting racial jokes that hardly anyone 'gets'. Hopefully, when I get my lawsuit money from Ambien, I'll be filthy rich and wont have to be the funniest comedian you ever did see tell a racially insensitive 'joke'. Geez, get a life people! Live a little, laugh a little, be more like myself, and my BFF Donnie Trump, who by the way is gonna issue a Presidential pardon for me. In the meantime, I'm just as 'sorry' as I need to be until that pardon arrives. He told me that it's 'in the mail'. Oh happy day! Hey, you ABC "motherf------s", gimmie my motherf---ing job back, can't you take a motherf---ing 'joke'!? Crybabies!!'

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Following days of heavy backlash for a string of controversial tweets that led to her show being cancelled, Roseanne Barr on Thursday said she “begged” ABC to give her a chance to “apologize & make amends.”

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