Tuesday, June 2, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 7

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 7

Just when I think I've heard every question that could be proffered, along comes one that proves me wrong. For instance, lets examine the following;

Hey Buddy,...
I'm sure I'm not the only 'intelligent' person in the 'Show Me State', of Illinois that is puzzled by something that just makes little sense to the average person such as myself, my friends, and not a few of my pretty smart relatives. You see Buddy, here, it takes a lot of convincing before we, 'Show Me Stators', can take something for 'fact'. For example; I have six brothers and four sisters. Add that up and you'll see that there's actually Ten of us. That's a fact alright!
Well, my 'daddy' always wondered if we all was 'his', or maybe the mail man, or the yard boy, or the milk man, or the shoe salesman's. Well, he being the true 'Show Me Stater', I was fifteen when he finally had one of them new fangled DNA tests done on me, and guess what? And wouldn't you know, for 'me', it was the Milkman! How about that!? I always did like that guy! Apparently, he was really good at 'delivering' the goods!
Anyhoo, my question is this; can you, in just a few, short, easy to understand, simple words, explain why 'needles' are so darn sharp at one end, yet not at the other? We've been scratching our heads over 'this' one for years now!
Thanks in advance,
'Asking for a 'friend' in Illinois'

Dear 'Asking',

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