Thursday, June 11, 2020

Still 'Tone' Deaf

Still 'Tone' Deaf

"These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage, and a... ....history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom."
'Yeah, "Great American Heritage", a "history of Winning", "Victory", and, you know, that other thing, "freedom", that all those traitorous American 'hero's' stood for, you know, and stuff like that. They were "good people" from what I'm told. They stood up for what they believed in, you know, 'SLAVERY', the owning of other human beings. Ya gotta admire a guy that's willing to be an absolute traitor to his own country, and be willing to start a Civil War where hundreds of thousands of Americans were slaughtered because of a lost cause! If I'd been president back then it would have been the shortest war anyone had ever seen. Whamo! A week, maybe two weeks, tops. You see, I'm whatcha might call, a, 'Warrior President'. I would have made Lincolns 'numbers' look like nothing! But this isn't about 'me', is it? I 'hear' what they're saying, but don't come to me with this 'tear down' the statutes, and rename our Military Bases, because I'm not having my hero's names deleted from history. Not on 'my' watch! We all 'know' what the 'new' names would be, 'right'?'

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President Donald Trump said Wednesday he opposes any effort by the US military to rename the nearly one dozen major bases and installations that bear the names of Confederate military commanders.

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