Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Down The 'Rabbit Hole'

'Yeahhhh...yeah, I went down the 'rabbit hole'! You know, just to check it out, you know, do a little dusting, straighten some pictures, clean some windows, fix the sagging spring on the screen door, you 'know', 'house keeping' stuff like that. I call it my 'bug-out' hole. Everybody does some Spring cleaning this time of year, so that's what 'I' do, you know, when I'm not making "perfectly good" phone calls, playing tootsies with degenerate third world country dictators, bullying world leaders, grabbing a little "pussy", as I like to call it, firing bad people and praising "some very good people", sucking up to gullible evangelical bible thumpers, and, ah, you know, very busy 'presidential' stuff like that. My brain is so huge, I gotta keep it busy doing "very important" things, otherwise it makes me say, and do, really stupid shit.
And then, to my utter, and unbelievable, 'surprise', when I pulled my head out of my 'hole', I discovered that some "very bad people" were knock, knock, knocking at my chamber door wanting to use the restroom! Really! Would I lie about something like that? Who 'are' those people, I muttered to no one in particular!? I mean, who does that!?? I mean, is this batshit crazy, or is it just 'Me'? I called my BFF-FWB 'Willie' Barr, and asked him to tell those door knockers to go away and leave me alone. He did such a great job at it by the way! I was sooo happy that I felt the heavenly urge to go to church and thank my invisible, mythical, 'spirit in the sky' for once again delivering me from evil.
So you 'see', that's really all there was to it. And wouldn't you know, the bogus, lying, fake news, concocted a phony, photo-shopped, fake video of stuff that did not really happen. They should be ashamed of themselves! I gotta make a new 'law' against 'photo-journalism'. Very bad people! "Enemies of America"! Why do they keep on picking on me!?? Why?? What did I ever do to deserve such derision? Waaaa!'

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