Tuesday, June 16, 2020

No Cure For 'Stupid'

pence, 'The Bible Thumper VP', proclaims; "..there is "no second wave" of coronavirus".
Well, no shit sherlock! Of 'course' there's no "second wave", yet, simply because the 'First' wave has not finished with us yet! For anyone who blindly wonders what it would be like if pence, 'The Just As Moronic', were President, wonder no more. If you think it's bad under trump, 'The Denier', pence would make trump look like a 'prize'. Again, there is no cure for 'stupid'.

Vice President Mike Pence, the leader of the administration's coronavirus task force, is publicly painting a rosy picture of the pandemic through his words and actions amid President Donald Trump's push to reopen the country and resume campaigning.

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